heavens own disappointment.

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art creds lleahistired on instagram

Ancient Egypt. 1356 BC.

a rough place to come by but a very culturally rich land. a beautiful sun kissed dry country known for its rulers, advancements and modern technology in domestic and medicine.

the current empress, nefertiti was the fairest they had seen yet.. With her husband, she reigned at what was arguably the wealthiest period of ancient Egyptian history. She was made famous by her bust, not just her looks...

the sun was boiling today, you couldnt even step a foot outside or you would be burning to a crisp. nefertiti sat in her palace, bored to hell and ordering some sort of entertainment.

aziraphale grew to become quite fond of this queen and like wise with nefertiti. the two spoke and it soon turned into aziraphale showing off his ever lasting passion for entertainment. back in the old days, he was only good at his magic because it was easy to entertain people during this era.

"oh that is magnificent Aziraphale! you certainly always deliver!" she clapped as the queen of Egypt sat on a comfortable two person golden chair.

aziraphale took a bow and had a happy, bright smile on his face. azirphale wore something that was like a cross between a dress and a long robe with a golden belt and pins and so on he revived over the years from Pharaohs and queens. he also wore a loss light fabric short cape that ended at his elbows and acted as a poncho "oh well thank you dear- please do not flatter me-" his cheeks went a little rosy.

asbeel invites himself into the throne room, "my queen." he bows, his gaze briefly shifting to aziraphale, shooting him a disdainful look, before refocusing on nefertiti. "this man, yes, the guards wish to speak with him outside." asbeel hooks his arm around the angel's, waiting for approval to take escort him out

nefertiti narrowed her eyes on asbeel or a moment then sighed "go on then, ill speak to you later aziraphale" she waved her wrist and sent the two on their way

aziraphale found the linking of arms a little strange but went with it as the two walked outside

"so what do i need to speak about? i havent done anything wrong have i?"

"wrong? oh aziraphale, you tell me." he removes his arm from azi's, shoving him back.

He watches as the angel staggers backwards, though managing to keep his balance without falling. "you think it's fair?" asbeel sneers at the angel

aziraphale stumbled and put his back up against a wall made of sand stone. he laid his pale hands against the wall flat and stood straight, trying to appear in control of his emotions but he was really melting in his nerves.

"what are you asking about asbeel?"

"you do nothing, aziraphale. you are nothing. yet you get to do whatever the hell you want. you're literally out here entertaining the queen." he throws his arm up towards the castle.

"then there's people like me, who work nonstop day and night and never get to see a promotion. tell me aziraphale, is that fair? your lot is all about fairness, aren't they?" he stands over aziraphale, looking down at the angel. seeming as if the angel said one wrong word, he might snap.

Aziraphale swallowed hard and looked up nervously. he listened then shook his head "w...well... i worked hard too may i remind you. ive been so very busy since my first post in eden!" he tried to wage reason into the conversation

"yeah, doing what you please. you don't conform to heavens rules, you bend them to suit your own agenda, doing whatever the hell you feel like. you think that deserves title of an angel, aziraphale?" asbeel scoffed as he pinned him to the wall with his hand at aziraphales height level on the wall.

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