golden tears

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i could not find the original artist !! please comment if you know so i can give creds^^

the bright white light flickered by and after a few of them passing.

one came down and suddenly releveled aziraphales real form...

in stead of crowleys angel, there was a taller, thiner angel that looked a little like crowley but fluffyer hair

"its a funny thing aint it?" abseel tilted his head with a dirty grin.

"the hell are you?" crowley looks the man up and down, definitely not someone he's seen before. he panics, attempting to press the elevators "earth" button.

Crowlets hand was hit away from the buttons by who crowley thought aziraphale was before "well its me of course~ little aziraphale"* abseel grinned.

crowley pulls his hand back, rubbing where it had been hit. "what the hell have you done with him." crowleys steps towards Asbeel, towering over him. "i swear to god i will-"

ding! the elevator opens

some angels were standing outside and and stared for a moment then moved.

asbeel grinned up at crowley "oh my aziraphale is fine. lets go"* he grabbed crowley by the arm and got him out of the elevator, yanking him out. "lets go find him now"

crowley pulls his arm away from Asbeel with ease, giving him a disgusted look. "no need for that, now." he follows asbeel through heaven, peering around at the angels passing by, they cast curious glances at the demon. it was incredibly rare one was brought to heaven.

when crowley met their gaze, the angels were quick to avert theirs.a familiar nausea rushes over crowley as he thinks about meeting aziraphale. would this be the real azi? would he know if i wasn't? how is aziraphale going to react to seeing him?

they got to two massive white doors. asbeel knocked on it gently, to which a angel opened up the door "state your business" she smiled

asbeel raised a brow "... i work in there. i need to see mr fell" he groaned.

after that, the four were let in. the room had a lovely few of all earths marvels, the eilfe tower, big ben, the pyramids and more. off to the side stood a few angels in front of a floating board, to which one was heaven high archangel.. aziraphale.

he wore a suit, white and grey to blend in with the others and held a clip board and pen in his hands. "aziraphale!" called asbeel. aziraphale turned with a smile

"oh- hello asbee-..." aziraphale stared over in some sort of shock.. looking at the demon among angels. he had made a small gasp sound, staring in a way that he didnt believe what was presented to him. "oh my.." he whispered softly.

this was aziraphale.

crowley returned the same expression to azi, not entirely sure what he was to say. well, there was so much he wanted to say. but this wasn't the time. he stayed quiet, his eyes locked onto aziraphale's.

the two stared at each other, aziraphale wasnt speaking so neither was any of the angels. he shook his head a little and bit his lip before turning on his heel and leaving the room in a hurry, covering his mouth and dropping the pen.

aziraphale ran off through heaven. angels looking over in confusion. the high archangel felt all the eyes burning into him as he ran.

finally, at last he found some sort of closet like room that he could hide in. he slammed the door and stayed up close to the corner of the walls. his heart was racing and small gold tears  swelled up in his confused and slightly scared eyes. his breath was out of his control so he was quite loud..

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