tough to love, or anything else

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"oh would you look at that... jane austin!"

the angel chuckled to him self as he picked up fallen books. the blinds in the book shop were closed to the shop was dim. aziraphale hummed quietly with a handful of books, walking past his sofa with a sleeping demon tucking in with a comfy blanket and proper pillow that werent there when crowley fell asleep.

crowley grumbles, adjusting himself on the couch and slowly beginning to open his eyes. "mmmm morning." he says in a low, groggy voice. his eyes finding and resting on the angels

aziraphale turned and put the books down. he walked over and clasped his hands together "good morning crowley! is there anything i can get you?" aziraphale seemed to be in a good mood. his words beamed out in a sense of happiness, aziraphale was so happy to be in his book shop again, home...

"eh no i'm alright, thank you." crowley grinned, noticing the blanket and pillow that had been left for him. "you did this?" a soft blush could barely be seen on his face, he was clearly surprised

aziraphale nodded and raised a brow "of course i did.. we dont want you to be uncomfortable while your under myyyyy protection~" he chuckled and did almost a little bow, he was in plain trousers and a plain t-shirt, something you would rarely ever see aziraphale in since he would be changed before he comes down.

crowley laughs, shaking his head. "well i appreciate it." he notices the angels odd attire, this wasn't like him at all. though, after not seeing him for three years, he couldn't really say what aziraphale was like anymore.

aziraphale nodded again and picked up his books "hey i need your help with something.. can you come over here please?" he walked across the room and put only some of the books away in his hands.

"yeah, what's up?" he follows aziraphale through the bookshop, looking ahead to see if he could get some idea of what aziraphale was trying to show him.

"can you reach there books on the higher shelves please..?" ah well at least some things never changed. when ever crowley would normally spend prolong times in the bookshop with aziraphale this normally happens.

"you seriously need to get a ladder." he remarks, taking a few books from the shelf and passing them down to aziraphale. not that he actually minded helping out

aziraphale looked away and gritted his teeth "errr.. no i dont like ladders.. but i have you! so i dont need one" the angel nodded with a remarked smile.

"oh yeah yeah, i guess that's true isn't it?" he smiles as well, aziraphales smile had always been contagious. "you still want to leave? first time you've been back to your bookshop in years and you're really just gonna leave it like that?"

aziraphale watched as the other spoke. he looked around his beloved old book shop and sighed. he loved it so dearly and didnt want to leave the book shop empty but he knew heaven would send angels to soho the first chance they get, looking for crowley "...yes im sure crowley.."

"what if they destroy it? the bookshop, i mean. or they could come in and take whatever they wanted- all your first editions. i hear they go for a lot these days." crowley was trying to find any excuse at this point to stay. he wanted things to go back to the way they were. he wasn't afraid of a few angels, no. he couldn't understand why aziraphale was so opposed to the idea. they could handle this.

aziraphale paused as he was in the middle of giving crowley the last book. the angel set it down and shook his head "i .." he was silent and went off to his desk and took his glasses off, taking a deep breath. there was a odd feeling but it was obvious the other was fragile. aziraphale ended up just putting on his glasses, sitting down and reading some mail he had gotten over the years, it wasnt much.

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