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"well.. you are.. ooo whats the word.." they pondered for a moment as they put the candle back in place and lit it, the last one to be lit "oh! youre to be suspended in heaven- ARRESTED! yes! arrested! thats the word!" they said before putting their hands together and closing their eyes.

"for what?!?" crowley whines, backing away from the portal and towards the door "you can't arrest someone and not tell them why"

"uhmm.. mr asbeel will explain it" Muriel then focused and soon the circle lit up with a gentle white glow "may i have- Uhm.. high archangel Asbeel please!" they smiled as their eyes were closed and the tips of their fingers gently pressed against her bottom lip.

in a massive burst of light, finally, in the middle of the circle.. stood a short angel, white fluffy hair and a more refined suit than before as it wasn't his original one and want made out of actual fabric "ah...." he tilted his head at the demon with a more sincester smile than friendly, a very unusual look for.. aziraphale "well well well..." he said in almost a low growl in his voice like he was angry, that passive aggressive voice crowley would normally use.

crowley stumbles back against the bookshop doors, looking up at aziraphale in awe. his mind was practically begging him to run, but every muscle froze in place, in a shock like state.

aziraphale stepped off the circle and smiled over at crowley with this errie smirk "oh? are you really that scared of me? i'm not too surprised. you always acted like you were tough.." he messed with a trinket from a desk like he had never been in the shop before, not really knowing where things were " why does it smell so bad in here..?" he looked over at muriel

Muriel was putting away the candles and now pulling the rug over the circle. "what- ugh!" they grunted "what do you mean aziraphale?" they raised a brow looking over

the other angels stood fast, ready to bolt at crowley if he tried to leave as he was at the door.

crowley doesn't reply to the insult, just shooting a subtle glare back. aziraphale was really there. right there

"why does it smell bad? what do you mean 'why does it smell bad'. that was your doing." had it been that long? "and that there, the little trinket, you made that, you know?" aziraphale had moved on.. was he the only one holding onto these memories? "why have you brought me here?"

"...i did..? oh right, yes i did.." he gulped a little then straightened up "i saw you took a little trip.. you disrupted a lot of stars and asteroids and do you think bringing material objects onto another planet would help" these sounded like bullshit excuses

"it's not bothering earth, don't see why it matters..." he mumbles. "look, ang- aziraphale, i'm.. mmm." he pauses, glancing away. "i'm sorry for disturbing your planets.."

aziraphale crossed his arms and glared over. he then walked on up to crowley. his foot steps easily heard on the wooden floor of the quite bookshop, filled with dramatic tension. aziraphale held the collar of crowleys shirt and yanked him to be face to face "youre lucky im being so kind to you.." he whispered "the amont of times ive heard him cry over you.... all the shit you did.." he growled quietly then aggressively let go of crowley.

there was no way aziraphale changed that much.. 6000 years had past and he still hadnt changed that much no matter what they went through

his eyes widen in shock as the angel approaches, he subtly gasps, but remains silent. aziraphale seizes the collar of his shirt, pulling crowley down to meet his face. crowley freezes, absolutely flustered. as he is pushed away, crowley stares, not wanting to believe what just happened. "him?" is all he can muster

"Angels! get him and lets go.." aziraphale grumbled and waited outside the book shop for the angels to get crowely

the angels walked up to crowley "come on lets go!"

"aziraphale!! please.." crowley chased aziraphale, not letting himself be escorted my the angels. he was desperate. "talk to me!"

aziraphale paused and turned a little. he was silent "why would i speak to you, nothing is to be said.." he walked across the street and summoned the elevator

"but there is! there's plenty!" he pleads. god, sure the kiss was bad, terrible, even. but this had to be an overreaction. surely. does one kiss erase the entire history they had together? "why are we taking this to heaven?! they are only going to make things worse." crowley steps back from the elevator in a way that states he had no intentions of going in.

aziraphale stood in it with angels wither side of him "i am going to consult someone. i dont want you leaving. if you leave youll be hunted.. now get in.."

crowley was not about to lose aziraphale again. he hesitates, before stepping into the bright elevator

the angel to aziraphales left pressed the button to heaven. the elevator rattled before it smoothly started to go up to heaven. the bright white light flickered by, after a few of them passing, oone came down and suddenly releveled aziraphales real form.. instead of crowleys angel, there was a taller, thiner angel that looked a little like crowley but fluffier hair "its a funny thing aint it?"  asbeel tilted his head with a dirty grin.


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