Chapter 1: A Mysterious Book Gift

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Taking place a couple of years before Princess Celestia had sent Twilight to Ponyville to make friends, it was another beautiful day in Canterlot, but today, was no ordinary day, cause today was a certain Unicorn's special day, of course, it was Twilight Sparkle's Graduation from Celestia's Magic School, and Twilight was absolutely ecstatic that she had aced her final year in the school, she was absolutely committed and determined to do well, ever since Princess Celestia made her a student at her own school, Twilight had been determined to make her teacher and the rest of her family proud, she had been working her tail off studying and learning in Celestia's School for gifted Unicorns, and she had always delivered on her expectations, and today was Twilight's Graduation along with a few other Unicorns, and Twilight was getting nervous about the graduation party, but her parents, Spike, her Brother and Celestia herself assured to her that as long as she manages to hold her nerves, everything was going to be okay, and sure enough, after all the Unicorns who graduated got their graduation hats and outfits and received them, the pressure and nerves seem to have disappeared and faded from Twilight.

After a few hours from when the graduation party was over, Twilight met up with her parents, Shining Armor, a young Spike and of course Princess Celestia herself.

"Oh my gosh, I still can't believe that I am graduated"

"Well, we're very proud of you Twily, we know how much this means to you"

"I always knew that there was something special about you Twilight Sparkle, and everytime I set you up for another challenge, you have always delivered.

"Well, I do try my best when it comes to studying and perfecting magic"

Princess Celestia then had remembered why she stook around with Twilight's Family throughout the Graduation party.

"Oh, and Twilight, i also wanted to give you this"

Princess Celestia then gave to Twilight on what seemed to be on old and slightly dusty book that looks like it hadn't been touched for ages, and Twilight was pretty confused on why Princess Celestia would give her that, but she then explained to Twilight what it was.

"This is an old book that I found in my library shelf not too long ago, I haven't tried using it for quite a while but when I was younger, I used to try and investigate and practice any kind of ancient spell that I could try and see if I could replicate them or make them work, there are a few that I haven't touched for years, but, considering that you are my prized Pupil and that you have both reached and exceeded my expectations with your abilities and hard work along with dedication, I wanted to give you this special ancient book about old spells to you, cause I think you could maybe find somethings in it that may help you out later down the road"

Twilight was speechless, she didn't know what to say, to her, this was the greatest gift that anypony could have given to her, and she was now bursting with excitement and happiness for it, she then hugged the Princess and thanked her.

"Thank you so much Princess Celestia, this is literally the best gift I could ask for, thank you for this wonderful gift"

Princess Celestia just smiled at her star Pupil.

"Anytime Twilight, and if you discover something that I haven't even discovered myself, please let me know, there are a couple of spells that I've somehow never been able to pull off successfully, maybe you'll have better luck with it"

"Well, thanks again"

After a little more of chatting, it was now time for Princess Celestia to leave and go back to her Castle.

"Well, i've got to go now, I have a lot of duties that I need to take care of back at the Castle"

Twilight and her family then waved at Princess Celestia as she flew away, and they then headed back to their home, and for the rest of the remaining hours of the day, Twilight opened the book Celestia gave her, and began to read and study on what these Mysterious text and spells, and what they could possibly do, Twilight was really heavily invested into it, and was really fascinated by what it could do, Twilight even skipped dinner with the rest of her family, and when all the other ponies were now asleep, she was still awake, trying to find out and explore what all these different spells could do.

And while throughout her time that she was experimenting, she found a few useful spells for her to use, for example, she figured out how create some Illusions around her house, and she also discovered a mini teleportation spell that could teleport her from one side of the room to another side, although she didn't experiment with it too much because it did take up a lot of energy from her to try and perform that specific spell despite how fun it was to move from one place to another, so, she decided to go on and see if she could try any other different spells, and after a little while of searching in the book, she found and came across one that seemed a bit odd to her, it had no description whatsoever on what it might do, or how much energy it would require, the only thing mentioned was the ancient text with steps, Twilight became very curious on what this mysterious spell could do, however, it was getting pretty late and Twilight was beginning to get tired.

"I probably should try out this spell tomorrow morning"

However, as Twilight tried to close the book and walk away, she began to have 2nd thoughts, her curiosity was now really beginning to get to her, and she really wanted to test it out.

"Well, on the other hand, I guess a little test on this mysterious spell won't harm, let's test this"

Twilight then began charging up her magic, read the text, and then began to perform whatever mysterious spell this was, however as Twilight began to perform it, she soon realized that this was no ordinary spell, and the ground of her room started to shake, some paintings and pictures were falling off of her ceilings, and it really almost seemed like an Earthquake was about to happen.

"Oh no, what have I done?"

Twilight then tried to use her magic to stop whatever spell she was trying to perform, but it was too late to stop it now, and it was in full force, and before even Twilight could move somewhere else where it shook less, she got knocked Unconscious by the velocity, but before she went out cold, she saw a small portal that was opening up.

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