Chapter 3: Where is Twilight?

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It was now the next morning in Canterlot, and it was a sunny and beautiful day out, and Spike, Shining Armor and The two parents have begun to wake up, and all of them got up a bit early cause they were planning to surprise Twilight and give her breakfast in bed.

"Aw, Twilight is going to be so happy when she finds out we're giving her favorite meal to her in bed"

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves Spike, Twilight might still be a bit tired, I believe she was still up when it was time for all of us to go to bed, seemed like she was really invested into that book"

After they had made Twilight's favorite meal, they all then went into her room to go in slowly and surprise her, however, when they opened the room, they then immediately realized something, Twilight was not there, and she was nowhere to be seen in the entire room, this of course started to send panic waves to her parents, but Shining Armor was not ready to freak out yet.

"Okay guys, let's not panic at the moment, it's possible she could still be somewhere else around this house, it is pretty big after all"

Spike nodded as he and Shining then began to search around the other rooms as Twilight's parents waited for their answers.

After a little while of searching and turning the house upside down, Shining and Spike were now beginning to freak out and realize that this was serious.

"Twilight is missing! She's gone!"

But all of the ponies were so confused, how and where could have Twilight gone, cause the doors to the main entrance of their home was locked, and it wasn't like there were any escape routes for Twilight, it was almost as if she had just simply vanished, without a trace, and gone like the wind, however, Shining then looked at what was on Twilight's desk and saw that her book was left wide open, and it was left open at a particular page with a particular spell, Flash couldn't understand what it was or what it meant, but he had a feeling that maybe this particular spell could be the reason for Twilight's vanishing.

"Hmm, Spike, can you send a letter to Princess Celestia asking her to come here as quickly as she can?"

"Sure thing Shining Armor!"

Spike then quickly wrote a letter with a paper and quill explaining the vanishing of Twilight and her disappearance, and sent it to Princess Celestia, and after 5 minutes, to everypony's surprise, Princess Celestia immediately came to their house.

"I came here as quickly as I could, and I got your letter Spike, what do you think could have happened to her?"

Shining Armor then replied back to Princess Celestia with his idea.

"I'm not sure, but I have a feeling that the particular page left open from her book with a particular spell might have something to do with it"

Shining Armor then showed Princess Celestia what the page of the book was, and she then started reading the ancient text that was on the book, but when she finished reading, that's when she realizes that she had made a big mistake and that Twilight could be in grave danger.

"Oh no! No, no, no! I don't think she can survive that!"

"W-what do you mean by that your highness?"

"I mean, I know where Twilight is now"

"You do? Well, let's then go get her!"

"We can't find that location however"

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean, this particular spell that Twilight Sparkle had casted is a dangerous spell that teleports her into a mysterious dungeon that no pony has discovered from above, and no pony before had ever gotten out of"

Twilight's parents then felt like they were going to faint, and Twilight Velvet looked like she was about to have a panic attack, and Night Light tried his best to keep his wife calm.

"I had no idea that the description page for this spell had been ripped off, if I had known I would have warned her! God Damn it!"

"It's okay Princess Celestia, it's not really your fault"

"But this is a fault of mine that could end up costing her life!"

Spike then tried to cheer and lighten things up to give the other ponies in her family hope

"But Twilight is a smart pony, she knows how to get herself out of difficult situations, if there is a way out of that dungeon, I'm sure Twilight can find a way, plus, if she's only going to be lost or trapped in a dungeon, there is hope she can make it out"

Princess Celestia then just sighed at Spike's hopeful comments trying to cheer everypony up, but she then lifted Spike's chin up and told him and the others.

"The dungeon is not the only thing Twilight has to be afraid or careful of"

The others in the family were pretty confused by Celestia's comments, and were really beginning to get worried for their purple Unicorn.

"What do you mean by that? What's in there for our daughter?"

Princess Celestia just shivered of the thought and tried her best not to think about it, but it was impossible not to, and she decided that she didn't want to give the rest of Twilight's family any more worry than they need to.

"Now's probably not the best time to tell you all, I don't want to put any more stress on you that you don't need, all I can say is now, that I can see Twilight's cutie mark next to this spell book, and as long as that Cutie mark still remains on this page, then I know for sure that she is alive, however, if that mark ever happens or so to disappear, it could either mean she found a way to escape the dungeon, or...."

"Or what Princess Celestia?"

Princess Celestia really didn't want to scare and tell the others this, but she knew they were eager and wanted to know and she then decided to tell them.

"Or she ends up getting succumbed by a Black misted creature known as the Miasma"

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