Chapter 11: A Death Defying Maze

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Twilight had now arrived in a room, where there was a large crater ditch in the center, so she walked around it, and she then saw three metal bars that were blocking the entrance to another door that had a red crystal hanging above it.

"So, I have to search for another three levers again? Yay..."

Twilight then continued searching around the room, and she eventually then found an unlocked door.

"Okay, this must lead to where the three levers are"

Twilight then looked inside the room and walked in, but when she then looked left and right and saw the long hallways in front of her, Twilight then soon realized that she was in a maze.

"Oh, not a Maze!"

Twilight then continued looking on for her path, and looked at each corner, hoping that she might find something, but as she walked on, from the corner of her eye, Twilight saw the Miasma coming from one of the corners, she then gasped and immediately went to the other corner, hoping that the Miasma had not spotted her yet, Twilight then found an unlocked door and opened it, and inside was a lever, and she then flipped it.

"Okay, that's one down, two to go, but I have to find them while also making sure I don't get spotted by the Miasma, great, just great, they really wanna make this challenging now huh?"

Twilight stayed in the room for a bit longer, cause she heard the Miasma's growls not being too far away from her, once it started to become more and more faint, Twilight then finally decided to leave the room and continue searching for the other levers, Twilight then saw some metal bars blocking her path, and decided to just then charge up her magic, and teleport past them using it, then as Twilight continued on her path, looking around, she then ran into head first another set of metal bars blocking her path.

"Ow, my head"

Twilight then was beginning to feel really dizzy and a bit dazed.

"I better take it easy, having a head injury while also not having any energy left and being hungry is not ideal"

Twilight then charged up her magic again, and then teleported again, and then, she then found a door in the left corner, and opened it, and it had another mini room inside it, she then started to look around it, and she then soon found a note on a boulder, and she then began to read it, but she then realized that yet another soul was lost.

"It's close, very close. I'm scared to move from here, but It doesn't matter now. None of it matters now. I wish I didn't have to do this alone. But I can't deal with the loneliness anymore.

It's right outside this door. These will be my last words, Silver, I'll be with you again soo"

Twilight then realized that she didn't even get to finish writing her letter before the Miasma had gotten to her, Twilight then took a small moment of silence for Crescent Aurora, and she felt a bit touched, but she then quickly continued looking around, and she then noticed a lever in the corner of the room, and then flipped it.

"Okay, now I only need one more!"

Twilight then decided to hide for a moment in that room, since she could hear the Miasma getting near that room, then once she heard it again become more and more faint, she then left the room and continued on her way, and after a little while, she found the final door and opened it, and sure enough, the final lever was inside, and she then managed to flip it.

"Okay, that should now remove any of the metal bars that were blocking that door's path"

Twilight then left the room, and galloped her way back to where she remembered where the blocked door was, and sure enough, when she looked at it, all of he metal bars had now been removed, and she could now open the door with her magic freely, which she then did, and Twilight then noticed that she found another note on one of the walls near it, this time from Dusty Tome, but this time, he couldn't even write his final log entry before he got interrupted, Twilight then realized what that meant.

"No.... nopony has actually escaped this place, have they? And I'm the only one in here"

Twilight then opened the door that was in front of her, and as she continued, she noticed more and more cracks of Sunlight coming through the roof of the walls, Twilight couldn't believe it, then, it lead to another Staircase upstairs, but this time, for the first time throughout her journey into this, Twilight actually felt that she might just be able to escape this terrible place as she continued on her way on walking upstairs, and she felt like she wanted to sing, but didn't really have the energy to do so at the moment, she really felt like she had hope now, and she was determined now to get the job done, and do whatever it took to escape this dungeon.

"Okay Twilight, you can do this! There's way more frequent cracks of sunlight now, I have to be extremely close to the Surface now, maybe just one or two more floors and I'll finally reach there!"

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