Chapter 8: Notes of Despair

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Twilight Sparkle had now then entered a room where there was another door in front of her with a red crystal near it, and she saw there were also metal bars blocking the entrance, however, she then saw levers from her left and right.

"Do... do all I have to do is flip the levers?"

Twilight then went ahead and flipped both of the levers, and sure enough, both layers of metal bars were now removed and she could open the next door.

"Well that one was pretty easy"

As Twilight headed on to the next door,a very dark room laid ahead, and Twilight knew she had to use her light spell again to see a bit ahead of her, she didn't want another experience where she almost slipped and fell to her doom, Twilight then saw that there were two paths that she could take.

"Hmm, which one should I go to first? I guess I can try the one that is currently closest to me"

Twilight then went to the left path and saw that there was a gap to another platform, in which she had to jump across to, which she did manage to pull off, and when she looked around, she saw another lever, and decided to flip it, although not quite certain what that specific lever would do yet.

"I hope whatever that lever was doesn't release or trigger a monster, at least my jumping skills are beginning to improve"

Twilight Sparkle then jumped back across, and came back to the room with two paths.

"Okay, now I'll try the right one"

Twilight then looked at the right path and saw that there was another gap she had to jump across from to another platform, which she did, and when she looked around, she saw a boulder that had a key on top of it, Twilight then picked up and levitated the key as she jumped back.

"Okay, so that means there has to be a locked door around here somewhere"

As Twilight started searching around the room, she eventually found a secret passage that led to what something looked like a red crystal in the distance, as Twilight got closer, she saw another gap distance that she had to jump to get to that side, she then did that too, and sure enough, she then saw the locked door right in front of her, and unlocked it with the key and then opened it.

"Hmm, that one was also pretty easy"

Twilight then opened the door, and found another room which had a lot of torches lighting the place, Twilight then looked around to see if she could find anything that maybe could potentially help her against whatever that monster or creature was, she knew she had to find it's weakness, but the problem was, she couldn't think or figure out anything that could potentially be its weakness, Twilight then found another note on a boulder, and began to read it.

"Dusty Tome's Log Entry 3

I broke my leg jumping over some debris earlier. I've made a splint for it, but I can no longer get up to a full gallop anymore. This of course means I can't run from the Miasma searching for me, should it find me. I'm so close to figuring out something to do against it, but I need more time. I just need more time, and I haven't got it"

Twilight then thought about the note he had said.

"So, that monster is called a Miasma?"

Twilight then continued looking around the room, and she then found another note on another boulder, and decided to read it, however this one, was a lot more distressing.

"Dear Diary

There's no way out, there's no way out, there's no way out, there's no way out.

Celestia help me please!

Sunny Spiral"

"Oh my goodness!"

Twilight was now really beginning to worry and get terrified now, this note seemed like it was an act of a desperate measure from somepony who was losing hope, and at the moment, it seemed like Twilight was beginning to lose hope herself too, cause if there REALLY wasn't anyway out of this place, then, what is the point of her even trying to get out of the place, and she should just let the monster take her and finish her off, but Twilight still continued on searching, she then found another key on the third boulder and picked up and levitated it, then used it unlock the door she saw in front of her, and head into the next room, and when she did, she saw a large gap in the center, but with lots of platforms that had the screaming purple Crystals in front of it and saw that there was a lever on each one of them.

"So, do all I have to do is teleport to all of these platforms and flip all the levers?"

Twilight then flipped all the levers that were on all the platforms as she teleported quickly from one platform to the next, and after she did all of that, she then teleported to the center where she saw a door there that was now unlocked from it's metal bars, Twilight then teleported to the door, and opened it, and she then saw another staircase that was leading upstairs, as she decided to take it.

"Well, at least the challenges that I just did here on this floor was quite easy, and I haven't spotted the monster again yet"

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