Chapter 13: Coming Back Home (Ending)

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Twilight had now come out of the dungeon, with a frazzled mane and looked like she hadn't slept for a week, and was now out onto the surface, Twilight's eyes took a little bit of adjusting to the Sunlight after being in the dark for so long, but after a few seconds, it seemed like she got her clear vision back, and she then soon realized that she had come out from some kind of swamp.

"Okay, now where am I?"

Twilight then got a bit worried that she might end up being lost, but quite conveniently, there was a map near her that showed which location she was currently on, and when she looked at how far she was away from Canterlot, she gulped a bit, knowing that she had to probably walk for hours until she gets there, but, anything at this point was better than staying in that dungeon, so Twilight just decided to take it in, and start on her path on her way back home.


Back at Canterlot in Twilight's Family's home, while the whole family was waiting for an update on how their daughter was doing, Celestia was carefully observing the book she had, looking at Twilight's status to see if she was still around, but pretty soon, she found that Twilight's status update with her cutie mark, was no longer available on the book, Celestia then had some mixed thoughts and emotions, and she then decided to go to all the others from Twilight's family who were waiting in the living room, once Celestia came in, the whole group got up, waiting for her answer, eager to her what she had to say, considering she was silent for the past few hours.

"So, Princess Celestia, how is our Twilight doing?"

Celestia then took a moment of pause for her and Twilight's family members, then slowly gave her answer.

"Well, Twilight's status on the book, had disappeared"

The other family members then started trembling and shaking.

"This could only mean either two things, one, she actually managed to find a way to escape the dungeon, and is on her way back, or second...., The Miasma had gotten to her"

The rest of Twilight's parents didn't even want to think of the possibility that their only daughter could have been taken away from them, and Spike and Shining Armor could only hope for the best.

"We have to wait for the next few hours before we can make a one hundred percent confirmation"

So then, the wait had began for Twilight's Family and Princess Celestia, however, for some reason, deep down inside, Princess Celestia had a feeling that Twilight had somehow made it and survived, however, when it was starting to become night time, she and the rest of Twilight's Family started getting more and more worried.

However, just a few minutes after those thoughts, there were some knocks on the door, and when Twilight's Family and Princess Celestia decided to open it, they were pretty shocked to see that it was a couple of Princess Celestia's guards, carrying an Unconscious Twilight with them.

"Sorry to bother you Princess Celestia, but you haven't been back at the Castle for a while, and from the distance, we noticed your star Pupil Twilight Sparkle just collapse to the floor near the castle"

The whole of Twilight's Family couldn't believe it, Twilight was still alive, they then immediately took Twilight into their home, and tried to get her to wake up, but not having much luck.

"Twilight, can you hear us? Please wake up!"

Princess Celestia then noticed the Massive weary hooves that Twilight had and her heavy eyelids.

"I think Twilight is okay and she only just passed out from exhaustion, it's probably best that we let her rest for now"

The whole of Twilight's family nodded then as they then continued doing their things as they waited for Twilight's energy to recover.

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