Chapter 4: A Near Fall

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Meanwhile, Twilight Sparkle had now found herself in a room upstairs where there were two torches.

"Oh good, at least I can see a bit more clearly now"

She then opened the next door in front of her however, and this one was now completely dark, which meant that Twilight had to activate her light spell again as she continued to gallop on, however, she didn't really pay attention to where she was looking, and she nearly fell down from a pit, but she just managed to realize quick enough to plant her front two hooves on the ground, however, she was now in big trouble, cause she was now hanging over an edge of a pit, she started to panic and Twilight knew that with most of her bodyweight being inclined downwards, her grip with her hooves was not going to last long, and sure enough after a few seconds, she was starting to lose her grip, and she tried climbing back up, but that just made her hooves slip even more, and now she had only one hoof hanging on for dear life, as Twilight looked below, she didn't want to think or imagine how deep it was.

"No, no, no, come on!"

Twilight knew she had to think of something different fast, cause she was going to drop any moment now, and then, what she thought of next was a little bit unorthodox, but there was nothing really else she could have done in this particular situation, she decided to use her magic to lift her one hoof up across to the other side, and it took Twilight a lot of energy to try to pull it off, but she somehow JUST managed to pull it off, and she was now back to safety, Twilight gave a sigh of relief and then took a few moments to catch her breath, after that, Twilight then decided to look and be more cautious the next time she was walking or running, and then, she saw a gap in between her and the next stone that she had to jump to.

"Oh, I think I can manage that!"

Twilight then did manage to jump across safely this time and continue on, she then opened the next door, and she saw another torch in a large room.

"Alright, stay calm. There HAS to be a way out of here"

Twilight then found another note or letter on top of a boulder, and she decided to read it.

"Dusty Tome's Log Entry 1

I have no idea where I am. After casting that spell I found under chapter 3, I found myself here. It is a dark and dismal place, and I hope to find my way out of here soon. It would be too cold were it not for the Ocassional Torch that light these decrepit ruins. I believe I will explore and see what turns up"

"Okay, another pony was here it seems"

Twilight then was about to head over to the next door, but then noticed that it had a lock on it, she knew what that meant, and she started looking for a key around the room, checking from the rocks to the boulders, she finally found it under a pile of rocks and she then used the key to open the door, as she looked at what was inside, she saw that there was a door that was blocked off by some metal bars, but when she looked at her right, she saw a lever, she then decided to pull it and the metal bars were removed, she then opened the door, but then saw that there was a massive Gap between her and the next door ahead of her.

"That's too big! Nopony can make a jump like that!"

Twilight then tried to think what else could she do, but then she came up with an idea.

"Can I teleport myself that far?"

Twilight then charged up her magic, and then she tried teleporting to the opposite side, and, to her surprise, she was able to do it successfully, and she then opened the next door, which led to another staircase upstairs.

"Okay, I have to be going somewhere with this!"

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