Chapter 12: Destroying the Miasma

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Twilight then arrived at a room where she saw a torch ahead of her, along with yet another crack of sunlight showing from the roof again, Twilight knew then that this HAD to be the Final Floor before reaching the surface.

"Okay... sunlight, I can run back here if I need to"

Twilight however then knew that the Miasma had to have been near her, and wouldn't let her try to escape, Twilight then carefully continued on her path, until in front of her, she saw another area that was blocked off by some metal bars and had a red crystal above it.

"Okay, i probably need to find a lever to open these bars"

Twilight then saw another path next to her, and she then decided to go there and so if she could find anything, she then saw a large gap opening full of sunlight in a corner that was covered by metal bars.

"Woah! I am near the surface!"

Twilight was then so relieved and happy that she was so close to getting out of the dungeon, Finally this nightmare experience would be over for her, but she knew that she still had to find a way out of here, knowing she couldn't teleport past because of those red crystals above them, Twilight then looked around the area, and noticed then that to her left side, there was a lever to flip, but Twilight was a bit confused.

"Wait, if I flip this lever, will that unlock the metal bars I saw earlier from that unreachable room? Or will it unlock the metal bars that are covering the sunlight, or both?"

Twilight was not sure, but she knew she had to flip it because there was no other choice, since there was a dead end right in front of her.

"Okay then, here goes!"

Twilight then flipped the lever, and sure enough, those metal bars blocking off the Sunlight area were unlocked, but when Twilight was on her to head over to see if the other metal bars were unlocked in the previous room, the Miasma came in front of her, Twilight then gasped again.


Twilight then ran away as fast as she could to the corner of the room where the sunlight was, but there was one problem, it was a dead end, she had nowhere to go, and the monster was now beginning to corner her and time and options were running out for Twilight, however, she then noticed something, she was near the sunlight, and she was right next to the lever, a wild thought came to her head then, but one that she thought might have a chance of working.

"Wait... if I can teleport to the other side of the room of where the lever is... can I trap the Miasma in this Sunlight? Well, I don't have any other options! That's it you Monster! Come on! Come on!"

Twilight then started taunting the monster, which made it even more furious to go after her, and she then charged up her magic, and teleported at just the LAST possible second before the Miasma could surround her, and she then immediately flipped the lever, and she then immediately heard an agonizing and screeching growl from the Miasma, she turned around, and literally saw it was being burned alive and disentegrated by the sunlight, it became smaller and smaller until eventually, it turned to dust and just simply vanished, Twilight couldn't believe she had just managed to pull it off and finish off the Miasma that has been after her for this whole dungeon, for the first time since being here, she felt like she could actually breath properly.

"I... I did it!"

Twilight then noticed that all of the red crystals as well have gotten destroyed and erupted around, which basically meant she was now free to teleport around any place, Twilight then saw that she could teleport now past the room that was locked with the metal bars, which is exactly what she did, she then continued on her, and she hen found a door, she opened it, and it lead to another staircase, but this time, there was bright sunlight pouring in it, Twilight knew at that point, she did it. She survived probably the most dangerous dungeon she could have imagined, Twilight had a big smile on her face seeing the sunlight, knowing that her biggest nightmare has come to an end.

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