Chapter 6: Some Tricky Tasks

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Twilight Sparkle had now reached another door and she opened it, she then saw a very long hallway it seemed, with a square ditch in the center, Twilight then looked around, and very quickly found another door next to her, she then opened it and saw a red crystal in the center, with what seemed to be some kind of parkour and balance challenge, only difference was, if she messed up a single step and fell down, it would surely be her doom, Twilight was a bit nervous, but then took a deep breath, and then attempted to complete it and see what was across the other side, and Twilight then jumped to one boulder, and then tried to move to the other side which was very narrow slowly, but she then almost lost her balance on one of them before she just managed to save herself and reach the other boulder.

"Careful.... careful..."

Twilight then jumped on to the next one, and then, she saw a lever that was on the wall, and she decided to flip the lever, not really knowing yet what it would do, Twilight then carefully went all the way back to the hallway with a sigh of relief, she then noticed that there were some metal bars that were blocking a specific door, and realized that there were three layers, one of them was removed.

"Hmmm, so, that means there has to be two other levers somewhere around this place, but, where could they be?"

Twilight then saw another door that was nearby her, and she decided to open it, but, she instantly regretted that she did, cause the moment she did, she saw that Monster creature again from the distance, she gasped, and immediately went back to the hallway, hoping that it has once again not spotted her, after fifteen seconds, Twilight then knew she was in the clear.

"Well, I now know that whatever that thing is, is in that room, I'm going to come back to that later"

Twilight then decided to continue looking around, and she then eventually found another door that was near where the metal bars were, she opened it, and she saw some rocks that were laid in between ditches, but knew she couldn't make either of those jumps, and she saw some kind of purple crystal that was making some kind of screeching or screaming noise, it was not a really a pleasant sound for Twilight to hear, but she knew she had to shrug it off, she then tested if she could teleport without the interference of the purple crystal, and it turned out she could, but not only that, it almost seemed like it had some kind of "Magic Replenishing" effect, cause now she was able to teleport from side to another side pretty easily.

"This crystal... I can feel my magic returning!"

Then, once Twilight did her final teleport to the other side, she found another lever, and then flipped it, and she then teleported all the way back to the hallway with pretty much no problems or energy required.

"Huh, that one was pretty easy"

Twilight then checked at the bars, and realized now that there was only one layer of metal bars remaining on keeping that door blocked, and unfortunately for Twilight, she knew exactly where she had to go to flip it, and she knew that if her last task was easy, this one wasn't going to be that, and she then knew she would probably have to come face to face with it at some point, which made her terrified, cause she had pretty much no defenses to her name, or any kind of spell that could help her against a Creature or Monster like this, Twilight gulped, but then headed back to that room that she left a while ago, and then from the distance while peeking, she checked to see if that thing was still lurking around the area, and unfortunately for her, it still was, however, she noticed then that it only came around that area at a specific certain point of time, and she studied it's movement, she then knew that as soon as that monster was not around the center of that hallway of that area in the room, she had to make a break for it inside and try to find that lever that would unlock the final layer of the metal bars of her door, she then realized the gap from the ditch to make it to the center was too big, which meant that she had to teleport to that side, so as soon as the Monster had left, Twilight then began recharging her magic, and then she teleported across to the center of that hallway in the room, but she heard some kind of growling noises coming from around that area, so she knew that the creature was still not far away from her and could have come back at any moment, so she had to move at a fast pace, Twilight however then realized that it was now a maze, and she had to look for each side to find the lever that she was looking for.

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me"

Twilight then carefully searched through each of the sides, one at a time, while also carefully watching her back and around the area, to make sure to hide in case the monster got near her location, she could still hear it's faint growls from a little distance, she then found a door in one of the sides, but then realized that it was locked, which meant that she had to find a key.

"Are you SERIOUS!?"

Twilight's Frustrating yell though got the attention of the monster, and it started heading towards Twilight's direction, Twilight gasped as she tried hiding behind a boulder, luckily, she realized the monster hadn't spotted her, which gave her a sigh of relief as she continued her search, finally, at the final corner, she found a room with a lot of torches, and then found the key on top of a boulder.

"Oh thank God, now I can use this to unlock that door I saw earlier from the other side!"

She then immediately sprinted to the other side before the monster could notice, and she then used the key to unlock the door, and sure enough, there was the lever on one of it's walls, Twilight then flipped the lever, and she knew that had to be the last one to help her move on, but she then hid behind the door, and then recharged her magic cause she knew that she still had to teleport back to the hallway cause of the Large gap in between the rooms, and she also took a moment to catch her breath, and after that, she finally decided to move on and go, and she then saw the monster was nowhere in her sight, and she then teleported back across, and now she was back at the original hallway that she was at earlier, and sure enough, she found that all of the metal bars that were locking up that particular door, where all now removed, and she was about to open it and continue on, when she found another note that was stuck on the wall just before the door.

"Well, I might as well read this before I continue on, I don't want to take any unnecessary risks"

She then began to read the note.

"Dusty Tome's Log Entry 2

A malevolent entity roams the halls of this cursed place. It is unlike anything I have ever seen, like a concentration of pure evil. It is enough to drive one mad, knowing it could be lurking around any particular corner, and I fear what would happen to me if it were to find me. Escape is now a matter of survival."

Twilight was a bit unamused by the note though.

"Well, I have already known that for a while, but thanks anyway"

Twilight then had opened the door, and it led to another Staircase upstairs.

"Geez, how many floors are there? And am I even getting closer to getting out of here?

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