Chapter 7: Too close to call

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 Twilight Sparkle had now been in a room where there was another torch lighting the way, and immediately as she looked around, she found another note, and began to read it.

"Dear Diary,

It's here... I can hear it nearby. It's after me. I don't know what to do. I can only hide and run for so long. No spell I've tried has had any effect. I have to hide, and I have to run. There's nothing else I can do. If I don't, it'll catch me. Somepony save me, please...

Sunny Spiral"

Twilight then felt pity for whoever that Unicorn was, and she began to feel quite frightened herself too, cause with each passing note she has found, it seemed like each one where leading to something that was not very hopeful or promising, nothertheless, she then found a key next to the boulder.

"Okay, so I assume there is a locked door around here somewhere"

Twilight then after a little while of searching, found the door and then used the key to unlock it and open it, when Twilight went inside, she saw a gap between her platform and the next platform, and the gap was too big for her to jump, which meant she had to teleport again.

"Gosh, all this teleporting is making me more and more tired, hope I don't have to do too much of that from now on"

Twilight then teleported across to the other platform, and saw that there was a room she could walk into, and noticed that there was another door, that had a red crystal near it, along with it being locked up by iron bars, which meant that she had to find a lever to unlock the metal bars so she could go through the door, Twilight then looked at the right side of the room, but only managed to find a dead end there with a ditch so deep that she couldn't even see what was below down there, but she felt like she might have seen a glimpse of a few skeletons, but she wasn't a hundred percent sure, and it was probably best to not think about what possibly could have happened down there, Twilight then went to the far left side of the room, and she found the lever there, Twilight then flipped the lever which opened the metal bars, but also, the EXACT moment she did that, the black monster showed up just in the opposite side of the hallway, Twilight gasped as it started heading towards her.

"No, no, no, no, noo!"

Twilight didn't know what to do, cause it seemed like the only choice she had to try to escape from it, was to make a beeline for the door, so, that was exactly what she did, and she tried to run as fast as she could away from it.

"Gotta hide, gotta hide!"

Twilight then opened the next door that was in front of her very quickly, and continued running, but at this point, she was close to being out of breath, and her running was beginning to become slower, Twilight however then found a boulder, and immediately hid behind that, hoping that the monster didn't see her go behind it, Twilight then was breathing in a panicking way, and couldn't even catch her breath, she was too afraid to, she honestly thought at that point, it was only going to be a matter of time before she fainted or passed out from fear, especially considering she could STILL hear the monster nearby, however, after a little while, the monster's noises seem to have stopped, and the coast then finally seemed clear, Twilight then gave a massive sigh of relief, and laid her whole body against the boulder now trying to catch her breath, she knew that this wasn't good for her mental or physical health, and Twilight still felt shivers and shook from that experience, she thought when she was spotted by the monster, that she would be a goner for sure, after a couple of minutes, Twilight finally got up and continued on her search.

"I-i don't want to be here anymore, please tell me I'm near the exit"

Twilight then noticed that there was a door that was locked behind metal bars, however this time, unlike the others, there was no red crystal, which meant that she could teleport in there, which she did, and then she opened the door in front of her, which it lead to a fiery hallway that had a lot of torches, and next to a boulder, she saw a key, which she grabbed and levitated, but she then saw that she also had to jump across to the other platform from the gap while doing it, Twilight didn't give any complaints however, and she jumped across with the key in her possession, and then used the key to unlock the door that was in front of her, when she opened it, she found another small room, and after a little bit of searching, she found another note on the wall, and decided to read it.

"We had another close encounter with the creature. I can't tell if Silver's actually being brave about this, or is just acting that way so that I won't worry. I told her that together we can make it out. We can overcome anything the two of us. When her life is at stake, I will always do whatever I can to ensure her safety.

Crescent Aurora"

Twilight was really relieved to finally have found something positive that was said from the note.

"Thank goodness, finally a somewhat positive note"

Twilight then opened the next door in front of her that she saw, and saw that it lead to another staircase upstairs, and she continued on walking up.

"I hope I don't have to do anymore running, cause that was a traumatic experience"

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