Chapter 2: Where am i?

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Twilight Sparkle was now beginning to wake up from her unconsciousness with a few groans, but when she opened her eyes and looked around she realized something, she was not in her home, or in any place that she remembers of, the only thing that she could see was the pot of fire that was near her, everything else beyond was just pure darkness, Twilight was very confused about where she was and she had no idea how long she had been out for.


Twilight then started to get up and look around.

"Where am I? How... how did I get here?"

Twilight then realized that as she ventured further on, this seemed like an undiscovered or abandoned dungeon, but as she walked on, she now couldn't see a thing in front of her.

"This is too dark now, I have to use my light spell"

Twilight then activated her light spell using her magic, and it did help her see what's in front of her a little bit, but it still wasn't too much help, nothertheless, Twilight knew she had to find a way to get out of whatever this place was, and after a little while of checking, she found a door, and she opened it with her magic and went inside, she then found another door just ahead of it, but this time, this one was locked.

"This door is locked! Is, is there a key around here somewhere?"

After a little while of searching, Twilight found a rock bolder in the corner of the room, and on top of it laid the key, Twilight then gave a sigh of relief.

"Phew, I thought I was going to be stuck in here"

Twilight then levitated and picked up the key using her magic, and then used it to unlock the door in front of her and open it.

"It's so.... dark, what IS this place?"

Twilight then walked for a bit until she found another door and opened it, and this time, it lead to a much bigger room, Twilight was at this point hoping that she might bump into somepony that could potentially help her out.

"Hello? Is anypony there?"

After a little while of searching again, Twilight ended up finding a note on one of the walls, and she decided to read it.

"Dear Diary,

I don't know what that spell did, but whatever it did, I passed out and woke up here! It's scary and dark, but I have my light spell, and i'm not going to get anywhere just sitting here. I think I hear something further inside, I hope it's friendly...

-Sunny Spiral"

Twilight then realized that there were other ponies who had performed the same spell that she did and ended up in her situation too.

"Looks like I wasn't the only one"

But she then wondered, how long ago were these letters written? And did any of them manage to escape from this place? However Twilight thought that she could think of these questions a little later, for now, she had to keep continuing on her journey, she then opened the next door, but this one seemed like it lead to a dead end, cause there were some metal bars in her way, however, as Twilight looked a bit deeper, she noticed that there was another door just at the opposite side of the bars.

"How can I get to there?"

Twilight then realized, one of the spells she learned from the ancient book she was given was a mini teleportation spell and realized she could just use it.

"Silly me, I studied a teleportation spell just not long ago, I can use it to get to the other side"

Twilight then charged up her magic, and then used her mini teleportation spell, and teleported to the other side of the room without any issues, she then tried to open the door with her magic, but realized that this one was locked too, she then started searching for a key again, and she found another one just on top of another boulder, she then used the key to open the door, and she then saw in front of her what seemed to be a long and endless hallway, Twilight sighed and groaned, and she then just decided to gallop until she reached a dead end, but, that didn't turn out to be the wisest of decisions, cause she ended up hitting her head against a door pretty hard.

"Ouch! That hurts! Okay, maybe I should just try to walk normally from now on instead of running"

Twilight then took a moment to catch her breath, and then used her magic to open the door, but when she got into the next room, she saw another door ahead of her, but this time, there was a hole and pit in front of her, and some kind of mysterious red crystal right on the opposite side, but whatever it was, Twilight then began to realize that it was cancelling out her magic, and now she couldn't teleport to the other side.

"What's that.....Crystal? I... I can't teleport across!"

Twilight then began to freak out a bit, but after a little while, she then realized that if she was going to make it to the other side of where the door was, she was going to have to jump for this one, Twilight was dreading this, cause she never once practiced her jumps, as a Unicorn, she never really took the importance of trying to be a bit Athletic and thought that her magic and abilities were going to be enough to help her out, but this situation proved her otherwise, and now, she had to jump.

"Okay, here goes nothing!"

Twilight then gave her all for her jump, and she JUST managed to make it across to the other side, much to the Unicorn's relief.

"Phew! That was not easy even if it was a small jump, I guess there is some importance when it comes to athletic abilities after all"

She then went ahead to the door and her Magic was beginning to return back to her, and she then opened the door, and this time, there were stairs that seemed like they would lead to another floor above, Twilight then began to feel a bit encouraged.

"Okay, at least I'm making progress here"

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