Chapter 10: The Miasma's Weakness?

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Twilight had now entered into another room upstairs, but she had a feeling that the Miasma was now REALLY onto her and could appear at any moment now, Twilight then noticed ahead of her, that a gate was locked, and as she got closer to it, she then noticed that there was a lever quite conveniently near her.

"Oh, okay, this is easy"

However, as soon as Twilight flipped the lever and the metal bars were removed, the Miasma appeared right behind her, and Twilight nearly tripped up on herself in fear and immediately tried to run away as fast as she could.


Twilight then immediately opened the door she saw in front of her, and jumped over a gap in the center to get the other platform, she tried anything to try to get away from the Miasma, but she was also now really beginning to get tired and fatigue was now starting to build in around her body as she was running slower.

"Go, go, go!"

She then just continued running forward until she saw from the distance that there was a platform across that had a big gap in the center just before it.

"Too far to jump!"

Twilight knew that the gap was too big for her, and that if she had tried to teleport across, it would take too long and the Miasma would for sure catch her by then, she then saw another room to her left however, and immediately darted towards that, however, she then came to an ACTUAL dead end with only sunlight leaking from above it.

"No! Dead end!"

Twilight then heard and saw the monster coming closer and closer, and when she saw it, Twilight then just at this Point closed her eyes, accepting that this would be her fate, but then, with a one eye peak, she then noticed something quite bizarre, the Miasma, actually looked terrified to go after her.


Twilight then saw that the Miasma was having second thoughts about going after her, and then simply just left with a loud growl, Twilight then began to have a theory.

"Was it... the sunlight? Is it afraid of it?"

Twilight then waited just for a little while longer to make sure that the Miasma would not come back for her, and at this point, she was now really beginning to get hungry too, her stomach was growling and she pretty much was now running on fumes in terms of her energy.

"God damn it, I should have taken my meal my last night, maybe I would have had more energy now!"

Twilight then slowly walked out, and then saw that the Miasma was nowhere to be found, and realized that she could teleport safely to the other side of the platform now, which she managed to do successfully, she then opened the door that was right in front of her, and took a moment to rest for a bit, Twilight then went into the room, and saw it was rather a bit large, and then, she found another note on the boulder, and decided to then read it, and sure enough, the note confirmed her suspicions.

"Dusty Tome's Log Entry 4

Leg still hurts. Barely got away the last time the Miasma found me. Don't think I'm going to make it. But I learned so much. The creature is a being of shadow. Sunlight may drive it back, or even maybe destroy it. A lot of good that does me here in this underground Chamber. So hungry, wish I had food. Not that it will matter soon"

"I was right! It doesn't like the sunlight! And yeah, i'm with you too Dusty Tome, I wish I had food right now too"

Twilight then found another note on one of the walls, and decided to read it too, however, after reading it, she then realized another one of the ponies who have written these letters has fallen.

"Can't run anymore

Getting closer

It's over

Sunny Spirl"

Twilight must have thought that the Miasma must have finished her off before she even got a chance to spell her name correctly, nothertheless, Twilight then found a Key as well on top of one of the rocks, and then used it to unlock and open the door right in front of her, Twilight then continued on her path, and she then opened the next door in front of her, which led hear to another Staircase heading upstairs, Twilight gladly trotted her way up.

"Okay, I'm seeing more cracks of sunlight, I surely can't be far away from the surface now"

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