Chapter 5: What was THAT!?

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Twilight Sparkle had now then found herself in another room where there were multiple torches lighting the way, Twilight then followed them carefully as they led her to another door, she then opened it, and saw another red crystal in the center, which basically meant that she couldn't teleport or use her magic around that specific area, Twilight then looked around, and she eventually found a door on the far top right side of the room, however, it had a lock on it, which meant that she had to find a key, she carefully moved around the area as well, seeing that there was another big ditch in front of her, she then however found another door in the far top left side of the room, and that one was unlocked, she then opened the door, and it led her to another room, and she saw what seemed like a jail, that was locked by some metal bars, however, when she looked a bit closer inside, she noticed that there was a note inside of it.

"That note can maybe help me find a way out of here! But how can I unlock these metal bar- Woah!"

Twilight then immediately caught herself from falling into another ditch that was right in front of her.

"Gosh, I need to be extremely careful when I'm walking around here!"

Twilight then continued on her path in that room, and saw a few boulders, and then when she turned to the other corner, she saw another gap, but there was something on the other side, so, Twilight decided to charge up her magic, and then used it to teleport herself to the other stone, and sure enough, Twilight was right, there was a lever hidden there, Twilight then flipped the lever, and then charged her magic back up, and then teleported herself back to the other side of the room that she was on, however, as Twilight was about to continue in her way, she saw a black misted orb or creature of somewhat appear just a few meters ahead of her, and it looked menacing and terrifying, Twilight then gasped, and then immediately hid herself behind the boulder with a few deep breaths, hoping that whatever that thing was, it did not spot her or see her, after a little while, Twilight slowly peeked out of the bolder, and then noticed that it was no longer around, Twilight then slowly came out of hiding and looked around.

"Wha... what WAS that?!"

Twilight then noticed that the bars were unlocked as she expected, and then saw the note and began to read it.

"There's something here! I can't even describe it, the thing has no real shape. We barely got away from it. Silver Eclipse, as always, is being the confident one and is helping me keep in good spirits. It's hard to believe she's younger than me, but less afraid than I am. I have to be brave too. I have to be brave as Silver.

Crescent Aurora"

That note had now given Twilight the chills and really began to make her stressed out and worried, not only was she now trying to escape this mysterious dungeon, she was now also trying to escape and survive from some kind of monster too, Twilight at least finally then found the key on a boulder, and took it with her by her magic, but on her way to go and use it on the door, she then found another note on one of the walls of the large room, and began to read it.

"Dear Diary,

I still can't find a way out of here. Worse, I keep hearing sounds in the distance... movement, and growls. Is somepony else here? I've got to keep moving forward, but I'm so scared. It sounds as if it is right nearby. Whatever the sound is, I have to keep moving...

Sunny Spiral"

"How many ponies ended up here?"

Twilight was beginning to realize that the notes started to become more and more frequent as she continued, so it turns out there were a group of ponies that ended up in this place before her, now, the only question she had remaining was, did any of them manage to escape or are still around that could maybe help her? Cause that was the only bit of hope that Twilight was running on at this point, Twilight then used the key to open up the locked door, and it then led to another staircase above as Twilight began to walk on them.

"I hope I'm getting closer and not just going deeper into this dungeon"

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