8. Over Dressed

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Rieka was hunched over a chamber pot when a handmaiden came in to tend to her.

"Lady stark," rieka glanced up wiping at her lips.

"Yes?" She answered meekly.

"Lord Bolton sent me to check on you. Said you were unwell."

"I think its the... the... everything with..." rieka leaned back against the wall feeling a hot sweat on her face.

"What happened to your family was horrible. A tragedy. I am so sorry."

"Thank you." Rieka whispered. "I dont need anything. At least nothing any mere mortal can give me... I pray for my families return. If any of them are left alive that is."

Rieka knew what the vomiting was. What the sickness was. What the pit in her stomach was. What the weight fain despite her lack of eating meant. She was pregnant and it was theons.

Rieka knew what she had to do. She wouldnt be labeled a slut or a harlot. She needed to become just that though to survive.

"Father. Welcome home."

"Walda, this is Ramsay Snow, my bastard." Roose remarked. He hated that he had to wed this lug of a woman but he was a man of some honor. 

" A pleasure, Mother." Ramsay agreed greeting her warmly, kissing her cheek, she smiled awkwardly back at him.

"Hello." Walda answered.

"See that the horses are fed, watered, and rubbed down. And take Lady Walda to her chambers." Roose instructed. He wanted her out of his sight. " Where is your prize?" Roose pondered.

"With the hounds."

"I'll have a look at him." Roose decided, following Ramsay outside. 

"Father." Ramsay remarked. Roose rose to inspect Theon.

" What did you do to him?" Roose questioned.

"I trained him. He was a slow learner, but he learned." Ramsay assured.

"You flayed him." Roose corrected.

"Peeled a few bits. Removed a few others." Ramsay agreed nonchalantly.

" This was Balon Greyjoy's son and heir." Roose remarked.

" We've been flaying our enemies for a thousand years. The flayed man is on our banners." Ramsay countered.

Rieka paced her chambers, she needed to get to Roose, to make him see her as more, to protect her, to get him to fall for her...

"Tywin Lannister has given me the North. But he won't lift a finger to help me take it. As long as the Ironborn hold Moat Cailin, our armies are trapped south of the Neck. Theon was a valuable hostage, not your plaything. I wanted to trade him for Moat Cailin." Roose corrected and Ramsay felt that sting. "You know what he did to  riekas brothers."

"Have you grown soft with her?"

"I will deal with this later." Roose hissed marching off, he was half way through changing out his  stiff clothes when there was a knock at the door. 

"Lord Roose..." rieka knocked on his door. On her parents door. He had taken the biggest room of course he did. He was lord of winterfell. Robb had wanted him to take over. Trusted him.

"Lady Rieka, please." Roose reached out a hand for her. "Is everything alright?"


"Are you feeling better?" Roose questioned. Rieka looked along his chest, his shirt open and aged but toned skin lay beneath. Roose chuckled catching her gaze. 

"I'm feeling much better, thank you for sending that woman to check on me, I would have preferred you though." Rieka offered boldly. 

"I will keep that in mind for the next time." Roose agreed. "I'm sorry I'm in not state for guests, please allow me to dress."

"Oh I could undress and make it fair." Rieka suggested, Roose didnt breathe, he waited for her to make a move, she let her fingers pull at her dress strings. His gaze shifted down to her slim frame. She tugged at the bodice of her dress and he stared at the thin fabric, the loosely covering cloth. 

"I wanted to thank you... I have wanted to thank you for taking such good care of me." Rieka remarked. "And... I would be lying if I said I havent been admiring you my lord."

Rieka smiled, victoriously, she could do this, she could trick him and woe him. She smiled letting her dress fall. 

"You are over dressed, my Lord." She purred.

Roose stood speechlessly before he yanked off his shirt and stumbled with his pants, tugging at his belt

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Roose stood speechlessly before he yanked off his shirt and stumbled with his pants, tugging at his belt. Rieka moved closer to him. 

Her hand pushed against his chest and he sat back on the bed, his hand pulling her hips with him. Her lips locked on him and he moaned into her, this was nothing like his unfortunate union with Walda. 

He brushed her hair aside so he could draw a perk nipple into his mouth, she arched into him. He groaned as she fisted his cock sinking down quickly before he could change his mind. 

"Gods," He moaned out as she rode him. The Gods had nothing to do with it. 

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