22. Dark Side

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Already Mine / Lucerys Velaryon out now!

''Your command of the cavalry was impressive." Roose remarked when Ramsay found him.

''Thanks to you, the false king Stannis Baratheon is dead" Ramsay assured.

''Do you know who struck the killing blow?" Roose asked curiously.

''No.'' Ramsay remarked.

''A shame. I'd reward the man." Roose informed him.

''Still, a great victory.... Do you feel like a victor?'' Ramsay questioned and Roose sighed.

'I rebelled against the crown to arrange your marriage to Sansa Stark. Do you think that burning wagons in the night and mowing down tired, outnumbered Baratheons is the same as facing a prepared and provisioned Lannister army?" Roose declared getting more and more angry with every word.

'' No.'' Ramsay admitted softly. Rieka peered out, she saw the hatred in Ramsay's eyes, she knew what was coming, she knew what the birth of her child would mean if it was a boy. She knew that look of utter hatred and vengeance as Roose reminded his son of the cold hard truth. 

''A reckoning will come. We need the North to face it. The entire North. You let her slip through your fingers, luckily I have Rieka. She is mine. And I dont let what is mine slip away from me so easily." Roose hissed. 

"If you mean Myranda-" Ramsay began as Rieka stumbled forward and accidentally pushed open the door.

"Sorry, totally not ease dropping." Rieka offered with an awkward laugh. 

"My dear," Roose reached out a hand for her. "I think we are done here." Roose looked to Ramsay through gritted teeth. "My dear where did your sister go? Did she not feel safe here?" Roose pondered. 

"She didnt grow to love Ramsay as I did with you." Rieka agreed. Roose touched her stomach. "Should be any day now."

"That quickly? Has it been that long already?" Roose questioned. 

"You know much about pregnancies, dear husband?" Rieka pondered as they walked, she kept her hands perched on her stomach. 

"No." He admitted kissing her temple. 

"Dont worry, this little baby is right on time." 

"A boy." Roose said fondly.

"Will you be happy if the maester is wrong and its a girl?" Rieka pondered. 

"But its a boy." Roose corrected. 

"Answer me." Rieka demanded. Roose knew the answer she wanted. He wanted a boy, it would put aside any strife between the houses to have Rieka Stark and Roose Bolton's child be the future of the north. But looking into her blue eyes, Roose knew what she needed to hear, even if she knew it was a lie as he said it. 

"I will love this baby no matter what." Roose assured. 

"Better than you treated Ramsay." Rieka added. 

"Whats that supposed to mean?" Roose chuckled knowingly. 

"I want this baby to be... loved. Not have to be scared." Rieka remarked. 

"What possibly could our child have to fear?"

"The south, the lannisters coming to try and kill us because they want total control. His or her brother thinking this babe a replacement." Rieka offered. "To name a few, of the top of my head." She added. 

"Oh my dear, Ramsay knows his place." 

"Does he?" Rieka countered. "Because he looked like he wanted to skin you when I came in."

"I'm his father."

"And father son relationships are always so strong? Undying?" Rieka mused. 

"You should rest my darling." Roose suggested. 

"I worry about you. Sansa fled, she is alone in the world and I dont want to be alone again." Rieka informed him. "I dont want to... when you told me Robb was dead. I felt so alone. But you held me, you made me feel better. Who will do that if Ramsay decides he is done taking orders from you?' Rieka questioned. 

"Ramsay fears me." Roose assured. 

"I heard that Aerys Targaryen, the mad king feared the north, so he killed my uncle Brandon and my grandfather. He killed what he feared so he had nothing to fear anymore." Rieka corrected. 

"My darling girl, you worry to much." Roose countered. "Despite your sisters absence everything is going according to plan." 

Rieka wanted to ask what plan that was but she didnt think she wanted to know. Avalon nudged up against her and her worries faded. 

"The dogs quite like you." Roose added softly. Avalon spared Roose a glance as he lowered his hand, she snuffed her nose at him and continued to rub against Rieka. 

"I think I will go play with the hounds." Rieka remarked softly. "They always cheer me up." 

"Shall I join you?" 

"I would like that." Rieka agreed, he held her hand and they walked outside, Ramsay watched with utter hatred. 

"They love you, listen to you well." Roose remarked as they did tricks and begged for treats. 

"They are always so hungry." Rieka remarked. "Is Myrtle feeding them?'


"The kennel masters daughter, I see her lurking but not much else, she doesnt seem to care for them." She remarked. 

"Myranda." Roose recalled. "She's dead." 

"Oh, thats right, silly me." Rieka agreed with a smug smile. Roose liked that darker side of Rieka Stark. 

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