24. King of the World

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"There he is." Ramsay declared meeting Rieka in the courtyard. Rieka knew when Roose didnt come back that Ramsay had killed him, he didnt listen to Rieka, he told him the truth and now Ramsay wanted her dead as well. He would try and rule with fear but Rieka belonged here, this was home. 

"Isn't he wonderful?" Rieka agreed.

"May I hold him?" Ramsay said kindly as he extended his arms. Rieka hesitated but Ramsay grabbed him from her. "Little brother." Ramsay cooed staring down at him.

"I want to see your father, we have to pick a name, where is he?" Rieka questioned. 

"Of course. Follow me, Mother." Ramsay led her into the kennel the dogs were barking wildly.

"What did you do Ramsay?" Rieka asked again as the barking continued the clanging of their paws on the cage doors.

"Down!" Ramsay demanded and the barking stopped, but the baby started fussing.

'It's all right. Come on, shh." Rieka tried to calm her babe but Ramsay led her deeper into the kennel. ''It's cold out here, Ramsay. I need to feed him.'' he ignored her still. ''Ramsay, where is your father? Ramsay.... Where is Lord Bolton?'' Rieka demanded pulling him to a stop. 

''I am Lord Bolton.'' Ramsay shouted back at her and the baby started crying louder. Ramsay led her down the kennel and she watched the howling dogs around her.

"He's your brother. Does that mean nothing to you? Family means everything to me and mine.'' Rieka remarked. 

''I prefer being an only child.'' Ramsay corrected he opened the cage door. "Kill". Ramsay demanded but rieka turned to him unphased. She grabbed her son back from him and smiled down at her baby boy. 

"It's cute really that you think you are the alpha." Rieka corrected. She smirked pointing a finger at ramsay and his hound lunged at him. "Should have given them treats like I did." Rieka remarked as he screamed out. "Should have let them have some fun." Avalon sat tail wagging between riekas legs. "Im a stark ramsay. Im a wolf. You are not literally a flayed man but you will be when they are done with you..." Rieka smirked down at him. "But right now, I feel like king of the fucking world". 


Rieka came back to the throne room blood splattered on her but her face remained void of emotion until her baby boy snuggled into her, her face softened at his affection. 

"I am Wardeness of the north. Seeing as though Ramsay and Roose are dead... Ramsay killed my husband did he not?"

"Posioned by the-"

"Dont lie to me." Rieka demanded. 

"Yes my lady." 

"I'm in charge now."

"Right on time, we have some visitors here for you."  Rieka turned to the door. 

"Rieka Stark?" 

"Yes." She agreed. THen her eyes shifted to Rickon beside them. She moved to him quickly and Rickon sobbed into her. "It's okay baby, you are safe. You are home. You are safe."

King of the World / Roose Bolton (2.1)Where stories live. Discover now