23. It's a Girl

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"I want Roose here." RIeka begged. 

"It's not proper." The maester countered. 

"Get him!" Rieka demanded as she pushed and pushed. It seemed to go on for hours. Roose came to her side kneeling beside her. 

"Whats wrong?" Roose questioned. 

"If I'm suffering through this, so are you." Rieka demanded grabbing his hand with a bone brunching grip. 

"Of course." Roose agreed reluctantly. 

Hours and hours of waiting on Ramsay's part, to see if he had a brother or a sister. He didnt want either to be honest. He liked being an only child. Avalon ran the halls while Rieka gave birth, she had too much energy to be waiting around for a baby to be born. Roose stayed by Rieka's side for the rest of the birth, he didnt have much of a choice, he sat behind her elevating her kissing her sweaty neck and cheek. Telling her she was doing great. She felt herself being ripped apart. 

Avalon finally came running in and jumped up on the bed, resting her chin on Rieka's stomach. 

"You helping?" Roose chuckled scratching between Avalon's ears. 

"My first baby.' Rieka agreed breathlessly.

"Another push!" 

THen after what felt like a damn eternity, she heard a babies cries. 

"Congratulations my lord-" Rieka didnt like that, she did all the hard work, she should be congratulated, she pushed a being through her legs and brought life into the world, he deserved a trophy, she supposed that this little baby was her reward. "It's a boy." 

"A boy!" Roose declared happily but Rieka reached out for her child. Hair like her mother, like Sansa... Like Theon little tuffs of it on his little perfect head. Rieka wanted to cry all the more as she held her baby closer. 

"Look what we made?" Roose whispered as he held up his son. "He's perfect." Rieka nodded tears streaming down her cheeks. 

"Tell him it's a girl." Rieka demanded.


"Tell Ramsay it's a girl, he will want you dead and me too."

"Rieka he is my son-"

"He is a monster." Rieka corrected. "He will kill you." Roose saw the fear in her eyes. "My brother Jon is a good man, he really is but your son is wicked. His bastard status didn't make him so, he was born that way and you gave him the legitimization to kill you with no repercussions, me and my child." Rieka hissed. "I already have..." She couldnt admit it, she cared for Roose too much to admit that this child was not his but Theon's.  "Roose...."  she begged. 

"I will be right back. It is a glorious day."

Rieka's words echoed in Roose's mind as he walked to alert them of the good news. 

''Her brother's at Castle black." Ramsay remarked. "If the big bitch thought they were trapped here, she might go for help."

'Ned Stark's last surviving son?" Karstark scoffed out.

"Jon Snow is a bastard, not a Stark." Roose reminded them as he came in.

"So was I, Father." ramsay reminded them. ''Your hold on the North will never be secure as long as a male Stark can walk through that door. Castle black isn't defended on the southern side. And the few men left are barely men at all. Farm boys and thieves. With a small force, we could storm the castle, kill-" Ramsay told them confidently.

"Murder the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch? You'd unite every house in the North against us." Roose sneered. Ramsay was a fool, not a commander. 

''We don't need every house in the North. The Umbers, the Manderlys, and the Karstarks command more soldiers than all the other houses combined. With their support, none could challenge us." Ramsay countered locking eyes with Salem.

''The Starks lost my house the day King Robb cut off my father's head. It's time for new blood in the North." Karstark hissed.

"If you acquire a reputation as a mad dog, you'll be treated as a mad dog. Taken out back and slaughtered for pig feed." Roose corrected. 

"Did Rieka give birth yet father?" Ramsay questioned. 

"yes." Roose agreed. 

"Well? Do I have a new brother or sister? A Ramsay Jr perhaps?' Ramsay offered with a cheery grin. Roose relaxed, he shouldnt have. 

"A boy." Roose agreed. 

"My congratulations, Lord Bolton." Roose looked to Ramsay and he forced a smile.

''Congratulations, Father." He said slowly as he hugged him. ''I look forward to meeting my new brother."

" You'll always be my firstborn." Roose told him happily. Rieka was wrong. Ramsay wouldnt try anything, he knew better. 

''Thank you for saying that. It means a great deal to me.'' Ramsay told him before stabbing in. Karstark and Umbridge took a step back, eyes wide. 

"What shall I name you?" Rieka cooed down to her baby boy. "Robb? After you brave uncle. Or Eddard, after your grandfather that really didnt like your daddy... he knew best, he always knew best, I should have listened him back then." Rieka whispered. She glanced to the door hoping Roose would be back. "Is... can you check on Roose for me? He said he was coming right back." 

"Yes my lady."

"Maester Wolkan, send ravens to all the northern houses. Roose Bolton is dead. Poisoned by our enemies." Ramsay decreed they stared back at him. ''How did he die?'' Ramsay sneered.

"Poisoned by his enemies." they agreed nervously.

" You're talking to your lord. Use respect." Ramsay demanded. 

"Forgive me, my lord."

"Send for Lady Rieka and the baby." Ramsay demanded.

"She's resting, my lord, she just gave birth." The maester reminded him. Ramsay glared back at him. "At once, my lord." 

"You have been requested my dear."

"By who?" Rieka countered wrapping her cloak around her. 

"Lord Bolton."


"Lord Bolton my dear."  He held out a blade. 

"I can't protect my baby and hold a blade, I'm not that skilled." Rieka countered. 

"Take it anyways my dear." the maester begged. "Please..." 

"What happened?" Rieka rasped as she wrapped up her to be named at a later date son. 

"Poisoned by his enemies." 

"Poisoned by his bastard."

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