13. Half Lies

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"That's Moat Cailin."

" Yes." Petyr agreed.

"A bit shabby, isn't it?" Sansa questioned as they rode.

"You've been here before." Petyr countered.

"On our way down to King's Landing, with our father and Arya and..." sansas words drifted. "Where are you taking me?"


Rieka flattened down her dress and sucked in her stomach, yes she could still get away with it, 

But it had been almost three moons since she last saw Theon and the little bulge in her usually flat stomach would start to pop and ruin everything. She just needed to hold it in another week, then she could excuse it on her and Roose's premarital fornication. Roose wouldnt think twice. As long as he knew how much she loved him. 

"Hello my beloved." Rieka declared. It had been constant the past fortnight, they went to bed tangled up together and Roose usually woke her with his cock buried in her. SHe was so tired. She knew he wanted an heir and she begged once she revealed she was pregnant, once he noticed that her weight gain wasnt because of the multitude of sweets but a child, he would take it easy on her poor cunt. 

"Rieka," Roose opened his arms for her and sent off the men he was with. "How are you feeling my love?"

"I'm late." Rieka answered proudly. So much for waiting another week. Avalon bumped into her legs nudging her forward. Rieka smiled down at her pup. 

"You are? Oh you are late!" Roose declared. "You are pregnant! Already?"

"I think it was probably... pre wedding." Rieka whispered kissing him. Roose's smile grew. 

"Yes. I..." He chuckled his hand going to her hip and then wrapping around to her ass. "Wonderful." 

"It really is." Rieka agreed. 

"You should be seen by the maester." Roose declared. 

"Oh... I dont like their tests." Rieka countered hesitantly. 

"Are they invasive? I dont know I just know they exist." Roose remarked. 

"Its a vaginal exam." Rieka agreed and Roose jaw tensed. 

"No one is allowed to see any part of you naked except me." Roose corrected. "Especially not examining your..." Roose couldnt even say the word. Rieka chuckled leaning into him. 

"Thank you." 

"I would kill a man for touching you, you can't imagine the things I would do if I man were to invade you in such ways." Roose assured, Rieka liked that he was willing to go to extremes for her.

Riekas arms wrapped around him, kissing his chest, he held her close but his gaze shifted at the commotion at the gates. Roose tensed, hating the ruin such a good moment on what he assumed was Petyr Baelish and his nonsense. 

"Who is at the gates?" Rieka questioned, seeing Roose looking over the wall.  He hesitated touching her cheek. "What's wrong?"


"Roose? What's wrong, honey?" 

"Baelish." Roose answered. "He is..." he hesitated, he knew that Sansa was traveling with him, didnt know if Rieka was fond of little finger as well. 

"My mother never liked him."  Rieka remarked. "Didnt trust him really, called him slimy." Roose chuckled. 

"He certainly is that." Roose agreed. "Just stay close and dont listen to what he has to say... No doubt he has been spinning lies."

"Spinning lies about what?" Rieka questioned. 

"Me." Roose answered honestly. Half honestly, they were not lies. 

"You? What could he have to say about you?" Rieka countered. 

"I can't even imagine the lies the spider has spun." Roose assured. 

"Sansa?" Rieka whispered not believing her eyes.

"Come, lets greet her." Roose suggested.

"You knew-"

"I dont trust little finger, when he said he was bringing her home, I didnt want to get your hopes up." Roose offered, also hoped that Sansa would not come because if she was at the capital and knew of Rooses betrayal to Robb then things would turn sour quickly. "My beloved," Roose stopped her. "They have been traveling together for a while if Baelish is to be believed, he might have turned Sansa against us as well." 

"Why would he do that? You have been nothing but good to me." Rieka countered. Roose touched her cheek brushing her hair from her eyes and tucking it behind her ear. 

"Because he wants to be king of the world. He will do anything to knock others down. We hold winterfell... I have a felling he wants it." Roose answered. 

"Well I know who you are." Rieka assured kissing him quickly. "I wont listen to whatever nonsense he is telling." 

"Thank you." Roose agreed grateful that Rieka seemed to be so in love. 

"Lady Sansa, welcome.''

''Lord Bolton.'' Sansa said stiffly.  Petyr pressed a hand to her back keeping her in place. "Rieka? Oh my Gods," Sansa ran forward and Rieka held her sister.

"I missed you kiddo." Rieka whispered. "I missed you so much."

"You are alive!" Sansa sobbed out, "you are here!"

"I'm here." Rieka agreed.

''May I introduce my son, Ramsay Bolton?'' Roose offered pulling Ramsay forward.

''It's an honor to meet you.'' Ramsay said ever so politely. Sansa hid behind Rieka. "You are so beautiful my lady, almost as beautiful as your sister, my new mother." Ramsay purred.

"Mother? New mother? WHat is he..." Sansa gaped back, Petyr had told her that she was to marry ramsay, not that Rieka had married Roose. But clearly Petyr was just as surprised that Rieka was here.

"We have much to catch up on, sister." Rieka remarked. 

"We do." Sansa agreed, horrified, she looked to Roose with disgust. 

"Roose has taken such good care of me, if i knew you were coming we would have waited for the wedding," Rieka half lied, she needed the wedding done with so her stomach wouldnt be exploding. "Avalon is here, I heard about what happened to Lady..." Sansa couldnt breathe. "Avalon, say hello!" Rieka called out and Avalon looked up from the other dogs. Rieka loved the hounds. They ran around playing with Avalon and Rieka always made sure to give them treats. 

"I think lady Sansa is tired from the journey." Roose offered.

"Yes." Sansa agreed, stroking Avalon's soft fur. "Hello pretty girl. Sight for sore eyes you are." Avalon yipped in agreement. 

"I will show you the way, I'm sure your room looks good as new." Rieka assured holding Sansa to her. "Are you alright? Are you hurt?" Rieka questioned as they walked. 

"I'm fine. I'm... you dont know do you?" Sansa rasped. 

"KNow what?" Rieka countered. 

"The truth." 

Here it comes, Rieka rolled her eyes, what lies had Petyr concocted about Roose. 

"What truth Sansa?"

"Roose Bolton killed Robb and mother." 

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