18. Claim Her

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Love can kill /Sandor Clegane out now!

''What was your name again?''


'And how long have you loved him, Myranda?" Sansa asked and Myranda froze. ''Did you imagine that he would be with you forever, is that it? And I came along and ruined it. I'm Sansa Stark of Winterfell. This is my home and you can't frighten me.'' Myranda huffed out a breath.

''Are you done with your bath, my lady?'' Myranda sassed.

"Get out." Rieka demanded. "She doesnt want Ramsays whore touching her." Myranda hissed a breath as she stomped past Rieka.

"Thanks Rie."

"You had it covered." Rieka assured. 

"I dont want to do this." Sansa whispered. 

"I will talk to Roose." Rieka assured. "See if I can't stop this."

"Thank you."

No promises.

"Is this really necessary, Roose?" Rieka questioned touching Roose's chest. "We are wed, sansa doesnt-"

"My dearest," Roose cooed kissing her. "It will do them both good to have some stability. Someone looking out for them... dont you think?" Roose had yet to steer her wrong. She had no reason not to trust him but she hesitated. "Dont you trust me? Don't I know what is best? My darling Rieka." 

"Okay. If you say so, I trust you."

"Good girl." Roose purred kissing her again. 

" I've come to escort you to the godswood, my lady. If you please, my lady, will you take my arm?" Theon begged

" No." sansa answered.

"Lord Ramsay, he said I'm to take your arm." Theon corrected. "Please. He'll punish me"

" You think I care what he does to you?" Sansa hissed. 

"Sansa I'm... Theon please go away." Rieka requested. "I will walk with Sansa. I already spoke to Roose about it." She added. Theon nodded unable to look at her, he focused on her feet. "Go on Theon..." She requested gently. Theon nodded again before running out. 

"Thank you." Sansa whispered. 

"I got you." Rieka assured ."I dont know Ramsay well but maybe... maybe he and you will become friends."

"I suppose we can try." Sansa agreed. "But... He's a Bolton." 

"So am I now." Rieka countered. "And i'm not so bad." 

"You are having his son." Sansa touched Riekas stomach as they walked. "You are blooming with child... mother would love to be a grandmother." 

"She would hate my children." Rieka countered. 

"Why do you say that?" Sansa countered. 

"Because..." Rieka sucked in a breath, her chest suddenly feeling tight. "Here we are... are you sure you can do this?" 

"I will." Sansa agreed stepping forward while Rieka moved to Roose's side. 

"Who comes before the old gods this night?"

"Sansa of the House Stark comes here to be wed. A woman grown, trueborn and noble. She comes to ask the blessings of the gods." 

"Who comes to claim her?"

"Ramsay of House Bolton. Heir to the Dreadfort and Winterfell."

"Who gives her?"

"Rieka Stark BOlton, her sister."

"Lady Sansa, will you take this man?" 

That was a loaded question. But Sansa knew what she was supposed to say. 

"I take this man." 

"Well the happy couple were quick to make to their bedding." Roose remarked. 

"We were too." Rieka recalled. "But its a shame to let this cake go to waste." She added dipping a finger in the frosting. She smeared it over Roose cheek. He stared down at her his emotions dark and wanting. HIs hands moved to her stomach, she loved how gentle he was with their child. It made her wonder how he would be as a father to this baby. She saw how he was with Ramsay and she wouldnt allow such things with her child. Their baby would be loved and cherished, not treated like Ramsay. 

Their child wouldnt be a monster. 

But Roose was quick to finish his cake licking his lips clean as he looked her over. 

"I like this dress." Roose whispered. 

"I put my blood red dress on so I could watch you take it off." Rieka agreed.  

His mouth explored hers, and she arched her back, trying to get closer to him. He let her hands go at last to cup her face, tipping her head backward as he traced a path of kisses down her neck. She wrapped her arms around his waist tugging at his clothes, he hummed into her as he tore at her dress. 

Without warning he thrust his cock into her and she cried out and he stilled before looking at her eyes her hands digging into his shoulders he kept going. Moving filing her his hips pressed against her, this angle this force and then the pain gave into the intoxicating pleasure.

His remaining clothes rubbed against her clit as he thrust and she arched against him needing the sensation. He held her up higher. She wrapped her legs around him and a groan filled them from his angle. As he got deeper inside of her and she cried out as his thick throbbing cock slammed into her again and again.

Rieka could get used to this. From a boy to a man, she had been filled and stretched and wonderfully used and satisfied. She wanted him, she wanted this life, she couldnt wait to have a life with him, when this war was over. 

Her eyes drifted shut and the pleasure in her face made her radiate. Overcome he brought a hand down to circle her clit frenzied in his thrusts. He was rewarded by a spasm of her walls around him as her climax washed over her, pleasurable waves in an ocean of desire.

A keening moan sounded in her throat as he continued his movements working her through her peak and them allows himself to come his seed shooting into her hotly.

After a long moment Rieka looked back at him, her legs weak and shaking, he laid her on the bed. Her ears were ringing, her vision blurry with a haze of her falling orgasm. She heard something about round two but she was still enjoying the aftermath of round one.

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