17. A Baby Wolf

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"We are expecting." Roose declared fondly. '''We're going to have a baby." Sansa tensed, she knew that Rieka liked Roose and a baby would protect her so she forced a smile. 

"I'm very happy for you." Sansa said kindly.

"From the way she's carrying, Maester Wolkan says it looks like a boy." roose added happily. Rieka smiled grabbing his hand. 

"A boy." Sansa repeated. She didnt know what to say, she hoped it was true. A boy would mean protection... but then she looked to Ramsay and his eyes looked murderous. 

"That was fast." Ramsay remarked. 

"yes well when you know you know." Roose offered kissing Rieka's cheek, she smiled up at him, leaning into him as they toasted to their future child. 

"More wine, Reek." Ramsay hissed, "my mother is a thirsty one." 

"I'm fine." Rieka assured softly. 

"Reek" Ramsay hissed. 

"Leave us." Roose demanded glancing back at Theon, he was quick to run off. 

"Why did you do that, father?" Ramsay mused. 

"Come, RIeka." Roose countered offering her a hand up. "We shall continue in our chambers I think."

"Good idea." RIeka agreed. 

They ate in mostly silence, Roose stroked a hand over Rieka's thigh. Rieka leaned into him pushing her plate aside. 

"Something wrong?" 

"No." Rieka answered. 

"Excited for this baby?" Roose questioned. 

"I am." Rieka admitted running a hand over her stomach, Roose leaned forward kissing her stomach. A child to be proud of. "I was thinking, I know Dreadfort is not as glamorous as Winterfell but when all this with Stannis is done... maybe we take a trip and I see where you grew up." Roose chuckled pulling her into his chest. 

"Its nothing glamorous, thats for sure." he agreed with a laugh. "But whatever you want."

"I dont know much about your past."

"It's not all that exciting." Roose assured. 

"I would like to know." Rieka countered. "Anything you are willing to share, stories to pass down onto our children..." Roose chuckled, our children. 

"I will clear these plates." Roose offered instead, kissing her gently. Rieka smiled up at him. He touched her jaw. "I love that smile." he whispered kissing her more fiercely. "We will talk more when I return."

"I can't wait."

''You disgraced yourself at dinner parading that creature before the Stark girls." Roose hissed. "Before my wife!" Theon greyjoy, Reek, Ramsay's pet project. Obedient yes but he was despicable. He knew Rieka didnt like Theon and as her husband he wanted to protect her and her future child. 

''And if it's a boy?' Ramsay spat back. Roose chuckled looking back at him. "Your new child with that woman?"

''That woman?" Roose chuckled. "You're worried about your position." Roose realized.

"My position is quite clear. I'm your son until a better alternative comes along." Ramsay spat back. Yes, Rieka realized, that was right. If she had a son, Ramsay would be replaced, a true born was always better than a legitimized bastard. EVen if this baby was theons.

''You've never asked me about your mother." Roose remarked. Rieka was curious herself, Roose had never married before her. But he took pity on her sad state and fell for her it seemed. Maybe he liked the broken women but he had been sweet to her when she was happy too. He always said how much he liked her smile, her laugh, it made her smile all the more. 

''Why would I? She had me, she died. And here we are.'' Ramsay huffed out.

''She was a peasant girl. Pretty in a common sort of way." Roose remarked ''She was the miller's wife. Apparently they had married without my knowledge or consent. So I had him hanged and I took her beneath the tree where he was swaying. She fought me the whole time." Roose informed him, his eyes never wavering away from Ramsay.

Ramsay might not even be Roose's child, what a funny coincidence. Rieka leaned back against the wall, holding her breath. But Roose wouldnt take in Ramsay if he didnt think Ramsay was his, surely. 

''She was lucky I didn't hang her, too. A year later she came to my gates with a squalling baby in her arms. A baby she claimed was mine. I nearly had her whipped and the child thrown in the river. But then I looked at you and I saw then what I see now." Roose told him as he brought a hand to Ramsay's shoulder. ''You are my son.''

Rieka didnt know what to think about that, Roose had always been so sweet to her, he cared for her, protected her, held her when she cried. And now she heard him reveal things about his past that didnt set quite right with her. 

Neither did Ramsay it seemed. Beat and raped his mother yet spared him. Saw himself in a little babes eyes. Did Roose know that Ramsay would turn out as twisted as he is now. Ramsay shouldn't have felt pride in that. His mother was raped, beaten, dead. But he felt a wash of pride in his twisted mind.

''Stannis Baratheon has an army at Castle black. But he won't stay for long. He wants the Iron Throne, and the road to King's Landing comes right through Winterfell. He means to take the North. But the North is ours. It's yours and mine. Will you help me defeat him?" Roose questioned. Without hesitation Ramsay answered


"And mine." Rieka offered stepping forward. Roose smiled reaching for her. 

"How are you feeling my love?"

"Perfect." Rieka assured. "Just missed you." Rieka added, his arms locked around her. He kissed the top of her head. "And the dogs of course."

"I think you might pop out a pup at this rate with how much time you spend with the hounds." Roose remarked. 

"Avalon was with me when I was fleeing Winterfell." Rieka shrugged. "When I lost my brothers..."

"What went through your mind when Theon claimed to have killed them?" Roose questioned. 

"I thought... at first I thought they were caught." Rieka admitted. "I was horrified... I just... I see him and its not even that..." Rieka admitted. "It's not..." She sighed slumping back into him. "It's the betrayal that he... and I..." she didnt know how to voice it, didnt know that Roose really cared but he rested his chin on her shoulder kissing her neck. "The wolves are a bit of peace when my mind is a bit to loud." 

"Thats understandable." Roose agreed. "You are a wolf." 

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