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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・♡・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*


  today was yeonjun's first day working at a cafe. he was a bit nervous, but still kept a smile up. he watched as a boy walked in the shop. his bangs fell over his eyes. he brushed his hair with his fingers but it just fell back. the few milliseconds of his face yeonjun saw was ethereal. he was SO yeonjun's type. the boy looked at yeonjun expectedly. why was the boy staring into his soul like that..? he was getting hypnotized in those eyes. oh.. wait.

"i'm sorry, it's my first day," he awkwardly smiled, looking down to the cash register. emmmmbarrassinggg! he felt the boy's gaze burn holes into his head.

"it's alright.." the boy skimmed through the menu.
"can i have a chocolate chip cookie and iced americano?" he looked up at the cashier who was already staring at him.

"o-oh. yes.. you can!" he quickly typed it in the cash register. "$7.50," he tapped his foot under the counter, waiting for the cute boy to give him money. he was handed a 10 dollar bill. he gave him $2.50 change, but the boy placed it all in the tip jar. "thank you.. can i get a name for the order?"

"beomgyu," he said. damn, cute boy and cute name? he nodded and scribbled it down.

"your order will be out soon," yeonjun took a pen out to write down the order. oh.. he doesn't remember the order. he was a bit too busy admiring the boy. was it a caramel macchiato and cookie? yeah, probably. he'll make it a heart shaped cookie to show his love. he scribbled the order down and gave it to one of the baristas and continued on the line.

"beomgyu? your order is done," a barista called for the brunette. he stood up and went to the counter, silently thanking the baristas and walked out. he sipped his ice americano and widened his eyes slightly. this wasn't an ice americano.. but it was good. he looked at his cookie and it was a weird shaped cookie too. why was it a fat greater than symbol? he doesn't like math. maybe he'll give this to taehyun. he likes math. there's things to eat at home anyway. he'll try again tomorrow.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・♡・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

4,628 likes@yawnzzn new job going great just met future bf

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@yawnzzn new job going great just met future bf

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