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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・♡・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*


"hey, yeonjun. can you come to my office for a second?" a voice called. yeonjun turned his head to the voice and saw his manager. okay, he's getting called in.. weird..

"..sure," he said while he tied his apron on. he's a little scared, not gonna lie!! he followed his manager to his office and sat down across from him. "what seems to be the problem?" it can't be the fact he'd been an ass cashier, right?

"as you see, i'm getting old." oh no, where's this going??

yeonjun nodded.

"and i see how hard you work, despite you being the only cashier." he smiled. "you're a good person, yeonjun. i'm proud." why is he speaking to yeonjun like he raised him?

"thank you sir... but where's this coming from?" no, seriously. where is this coming from..

"i see the way you flirt with my grandson."


"beomgyu is your grandson?!" yeonjun choked, the plot twist unexpected. beomgyu's supposedly grandpa smiled and nodded.

"tell me yeonjun. if i pass down the cafe to beomgyu, would you still be willing to work here? i'm getting old and i'm not able to stay and take care of the cafe anymore."

stop playin he gon cry

"of course!! why wouldn't i still work here?" yeonjun frowned.

"i've noticed how everyone's starting to leave now that business is slow, but i still believe that the cafe will still be active if beomgyu takes over. i have faith in him. when you first started, we had plenty of workers. but now we're down to only you and soobin. honestly, i was thinking of closing down the cafe for a bit. but, i know beomgyu is responsible." the elder man explained. yeonjun just nodded along. "so, would you be willing to help out beomgyu and take over the cafe?" woahh he did not expect that.

he nodded repeatedly, until beomgyu's grandpa chuckled.

"okay, i'll have a talk with beomgyu later today, then he'll let you know." he ruffled yeonjun's hair.


DAMN. HE MIGHT RUN A CAFE SOON. feeling scared.


yeonjun had just freshly gotten out of the shower. he was in the middle of drying his hair until his phone rang.

he picked it up, drying his hair with one hand.

"hello?" he hummed.

"hyunngg," there was immediate whine on the other side of the line. "you didn't tell me my grandpa was gonna pass down the cafe to me."

"and you didn't tell me your grandpa owned the cafe." yeonjun chuckled, already knowing it was beomgyu.

there was a moment of silence, until the younger started talking again. "..okay. sorry." he mumbled. "but i know nothing about cafes! i don't even know how to make a drink?"

 ✔️ three p.m || yeongyu ficWhere stories live. Discover now