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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・♡・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*


  yeonjun was stretching behind the counter. mid-stretch, the best person ever came in.

  "hi, welcome. what would you like today?" yeonjun naturally smiled at the sight of beomgyu.

  "hi. can i have an iced americano and a cookie?" beomgyu kept his usual poker face. what will it take for him to see beomgyu smile?

  "you really like those two, huh?" yeonjun chuckled as he typed it in the cash register.

"yes.." he quietly muttered. was that a bad thing? he then remembered the cookie situation. "um.. by any chance, do you have cookies with few chocolate chips?" he looked down, feeling like he just made their lives tougher.

  "oh? we actually do have quite a bit. is that the specific cookie you want?" yeonjun tilted his head and smiled. beomgyu slowly nodded.

  "i like those too. coming right up," his smile towards the boy grew wider before he started scribbling something down.

  beomgyu nodded, giving him a $10 bill and walked away, not bothering to get the change. it wasn't like he was gonna keep it anyway.

  "beomgyu, your order's ready," beomgyu immediately stood up upon hearing his name. he grabbed his order and thanked the baristas. on his way out, he took a glance at the cashier, but he was already looking back at him. he quickly turned his head away and walked out.

  he took a sip of his drink before checking his cookie. he smiled when he saw it was just how he wanted it. he really likes how they make their things.

  he's definitely coming back tomorrow.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・♡・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

4,293 likes@hyukaaa_ yesterday beomgyu hyung gave me a really chocolately cookie and it was really dry i felt like this pic (・_・;

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@hyukaaa_ yesterday beomgyu hyung gave me a really chocolately cookie and it was really dry i felt like this pic (・_・;

@beøm.gyu_ guys STOP MEMEING ME

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