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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・♡・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*


  today was a sad day for yeonjun. he wouldn't be able to see beomgyu, at all.

  then, a boy with brown hair came in. yeonjun thought it was beomgyu, but it wasn't.

  the boy was on the phone and looking around. then, he spotted yeonjun.

  he rushed over to yeonjun, startling him.

  "hey, you're yeonjun, right?" the boy flashed a huge bright smile.

  "y..yes? how can i help you?" yeonjun was sweating. this guy was radiating such a bright and energetic aura.

  "here beomgyu, order." he spoke into the phone before turning the phone to yeonjun.

  yeonjun was stunned, he couldn't even process anything. all he could comprehend was that he was basically on facetime with beomgyu right now.

  "hi yeonjunn, can i have my usual, please?" beomgyu spoke. he sound like he lost his voice. yeonjun's heart broke as his eyes softened.

  "mhm, don't worry. on the house, just for you." yeonjun listened to the boy cough his soul out.


  "no buts. are you okay?" beomgyu pouted upon hearing that. yeonjun smiled at his cuteness as he nodded. "that's good to hear. i'm gonna prepare your order now." yeonjun scribbled something down and gave it to a barista.

  he looked up, expecting to see nobody, but the same brown hair boy stood there grinning.

  "did you need something else?" yeonjun blinked.

  "yeah. to know if you like beomgyu." he went straight to the point..

  "o-oh?" yeonjun choked. he cleared his throat and looked at the boy. "do you want me to be honest..?"

  "yup!" he hummed.

  "yeah, i do. i like him a lot, actually." yeonjun whispered like they were gossiping. he watched as the boy's eyes lit up in excitement.

  "oh my goshh!! i think beomgyu likes you too!" he squealed.

"no, that's not possible." yeonjun chuckled, quickly dismissing the thought.

"but he's always talking about 'the cute cashier at the cafe he goes to'" the energetic boy put two imaginary quotation marks in the air.

yeonjun blushed, "re-really?" this dude really knew how to get his hopes up high.

"mhm! he might not show it, because he's really oblivious to things like these. but, i think you should-" he was about to talk more, but his order was finished. "oh, i have to go home to beomgyu now. if you ever need to gossip, hueningkai's here!" he did a magical spin with a fake wand before leaving.

he'll keep that in mind..

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・♡・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

1,837 likes@hyukaaa_ call me cupid cuz i just matchmade! 🤓 (*'◒'*)

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@hyukaaa_ call me cupid cuz i just matchmade! 🤓 (*'◒'*)

@tae.hyun02 excuse me

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