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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・♡・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*


  yawwwwn! work was so boring. today, he had to take the double shift for a barista and had to help make the drinks while taking orders. thankfully, beomgyu came in. yeonjun couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement every time beomgyu walked in.

he approached the counter and looked at yeonjun.

  "hi beomgyuu~" yeonjun yelled over the sound of him mixing someones drink in the blending machine.

  "why are you a barista now?" beomgyu said loudly so yeonjun could hear him. he felt more comfortable with yeonjun now. he assumed they were friends now because, well, he slept at his house, he has his number, etc.

  "i have to take over someone's shift. so i have to be a barista as well today." yeonjun poured the drink into a cup and sprayed whip cream on it.

  "that's nice. can i have an americano and cookie?" beomgyu went straight to ordering his usual.

  "roger that!" yeonjun passed his drink to another barista near the pick up area. he wanted to prepare beomgyu's drink, so he took that one for himself.

  "you can stay here, we can talk!" yeonjun called out for beomgyu when he was about to walk away.

  "oh, okay." beomgyu stood in front of the counter, watching yeonjun.

  "do you have plans for the weekend?" yeonjun asked as he brewed some espresso.

  "uh, no, not really. only coming to cafe," beomgyu softly smiled.

  yeonjun chuckled, "$7.50, buddy," he whistled and walked over to the cash register as the espresso continued to brew

  "of course," beomgyu handed him a ten.

  "thank you!" yeonjun shamelessly put the two fifty into his pocket.

  "beomgyu~~ your order is ready!" yeonjun said. he has always wanted to say that. beomgyu softly chuckled at his silliness.

  as he handed the cup to beomgyu, their fingers brushed ever so slightly, sending a spark of electricity through yeonjun. immediately, he blushed.

  beomgyu smiled gratefully, his attention focused on the drink in his hands. "thank you, yeonjun. you made a really nice americano."

  yeonjun heart skipped a beat, but he quickly regained his composure. "you know, beomgyu, i've noticed something," he said while grabbing beomgyu's cookie.

  "what is it?" beomgyu looked at him, eyes full of curiosity.

  "every time you come here, my day becomes better automatically. i also feel happier instantly. it's like you have this magical effect on me." yeonjun handed him his cookie.

  beomgyu raised his eyebrows, "really? i had no idea. that's nice to hear. thank you."

  yeonjun chuckled, trying to hide his disappointment. "well, beomgyu, maybe one day you'll realize what i mean."

  beomgyu smiled, confused. "i hope i do.. but, i'm gonna go home now." he waved goodbye and left.

  today was probably the biggest flop of yeonjun's life. at least he got to listen to beomgyu speak more, other than his order and a thank you.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・♡・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

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@beøm.gyu_ i made a new friend!

@hyukaaa_ 😪

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