Chapter Four

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"Ms. L/N, I know you just joined our class, so you're exempt from having to complete the group project." Your new homeroom teacher, Mrs. Cho, kindly says before adding, "But I will prefer you to complete an essay in place of it."

You obediently nod your head as relief washes over you. When she had requested you to stay behind, you were worried it was because you were trouble for some reason.

"I'll have a rubric printed out by the end of day to illustrate the assignments expectations and what you should cover within the essay." She goes on to explain. "Do you have any questions or concerns?"

"When shall I have it completed by?" You ask, hoping it wasn't due for another week.

"Considering today is Thursday, I'm sure completing it by Monday afternoon is more than enough time. You'll have the weekend to get it done." She replies with an assuring smile.

You inwardly groan because you had plans on being the laziest version of yourself, but considering school comes first, you decide to suck it up and offer your best smile.

"Monday afternoon sounds perfect." You oblige, though, on the inside you're screaming.

You're not one who needs a long time to complete an essay, but considering your mind has been circling around Jin's confession, it's like you can't focus on your priorities anymore. The two of you have seen each other here and there, mostly at school and at Constellations, but it was never discussing the fact that he likes you. Jin kept things light and humorous, probably waiting for you to bring it up since you were like a deer caught in headlights when he admitted his feelings for you.

You recall the brief conversation you had with Leah about it the other day. She reacted just how you imagined, but even then, it didn't bring any peace of mind to you.

"JinsaidhelikedmeandIdon'tknowwhattodoaboutit!" You had said in a rush without taking a breath.

"Whoa, you really need to slow it down because I didn't understand a word you said." Leah laughs as you take a few steadying breaths.

You were sitting on the bench near the garden located near the southern wing of the school. It was the only place that offered enough privacy to have such a discussion.

"I said, Jin confessed and I've no idea what to do about it." You repeat slowly, your heart still racing at the thought.

Leah squeals with delight as a cheshire grin takes over her face. "He confessed?"

You nod your head.

"Oh my God! I knew he liked you!" She exclaims as you quickly shush her.

"Don't announce it to the school!" You scold.

"What, no one's around." She brushes off before adding, "So, do you like him back?"

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