Chapter Five

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"Just tell him you like him back." Leah points out flatly.

You groan. "Do you know how difficult it is to say the words out loud?"

She shakes her head. "No, because if you feel the way you do, you should just say it to him. It's not like you have to worry about Seokjin liking you back. He's practically in love with you already."

A frown pulls across your face. Of course Leah had a point. It's not like you weren't aware of Jin felt about you, but every time the words crawled up your throat and balanced on the tip of your tongue, they somehow vanished from existence before you could muster up the courage to say them.

"Just stop overthinking it and just do it." Leah encourages you.

You breathe out a deep exhale. You feel ridiculous for not being able to just tell Jin you like him. It was clear that you did. After all the time you spent with him, it would be impossible not to like him. Only someone heartless would be that way.

"I know–I just...I just need to say it without thinking." You admit.

The two of you were on a very public bus, having a conversation about a very personal topic. But it's not like you'd prefer walking around campus discussing this. Someone would overhear and probably make you a target for Jin's fan club–not that you weren't already subjected to a few nasty glares from them.

"So how are things with your parents?" Leah asks softly, changing the topic. Though, it did nothing to lift your mood since your father was still being a little cold towards you.

"My father still expects me to skip out on my college prep courses to help out at the restaurant." You admit with a frown.

Leah's face scrunches. "Do they not realize that you're in your last year of high school? It's an important year too since our college entrance exams are coming up." She points out.

"That's what I've tried telling him, but he's being impossible about it. He thinks I don't care about our family simply because I attend academy." You grumble back while crossing your arms.

Leah breathes out a sigh. "Sorry that you're going through it. I can't imagine what it must feel like." She says softly while patting your shoulder.

You shrug. "It's fine. I just need to get into my ideal college and then I'll be free."

"And what about Seokjin?" She prompts with a teasing smile.

"What about him?"

"Have you asked what colleges he's applying to?"

You sit there and shake your head. The topic of college never really came up with Jin. Hell, he never really talks about his future other than he doesn't want to be like his father.

"It's never come up." You admit.

Leah frowns. "Maybe you should ask him."

"And why would I do that?" You counter, arching a brow at her.

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