Athena Returns

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Mikey didn't know why he was scared. But he was. He looked at Typhoeus In fear. Typhoeus was about to hurt him but then his necklace glowed.

It was a glowing orangish yellow color with a hint of pink. Like the colors of a beautiful sunset. Then a beautiful woman appeared, the goddess Athena herself.

"Athena?!? I thought I killed you off!" Typhoeus was shocked. He thought he had killed her during the war 15 years ago. And yes Mikey was now 15. "Well, I found a way to survive Typhoeus." She looked over at Mikey. "If you have figured out how to use your powers, use them. Protect yourself and banish him." Mikey was confused but then remembered what had happened a few years ago.

Donnie and Leo were fighting. Donnie had said something that made him upset to the point he started punching him. Then the fight got physical. Raph tried to calm them down and stop them but nothing was working. "Stop, please! This isn't funny!" Mikey yelled.

They kept on hitting each other wich scared the young turtle even more. "I said stop!" He screamed. Lightning was surrounding them. The lightning struck everyone but Raph.

Back To Present:
Mikey realized what he had meant. The powers he accidently used on his brothers a while ago. He was scared. "He doesn't understand what you mean." He smirked and started to laugh.

That made Mikey mad. Lightning started appearing out of his hands. "I may not understand, but what I do know Is that I hate you."

His eyes glowed a blueish white glow to it. Lightning started coming out of his hands. Athena looked at him and put her hand on his shoulder. "It will be alright Michelangelo, Just breathe." Mikey felt her presence and took deep breaths.

"I won't fight you this time. But next time I see you, you won't be spared." Typhoeus grinned as he disappeared. "I'm glad you're alright. There is something I must tell you."

Athena grabbed an invitation and handed it to Mikey. "This invitation is a ball, for all gods and goddesses to reunite as one. And a celebration for the day you were born." Mikey took the invitation.

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