Beneath Celestial Skies

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As the sun came up the alarm also rang at 6am. Everyone woke up and Donnie turned off the alarm. They all started stretching. Today, was the day they would find out the truth.

As they all gathered in the hallway, there was a sense of propose in the air. Donnie had a plan, like he always did. Since he alwayd thought ahead of situations before things happened.

Donnie broke the silence between his brothers. "Alright guys, heres what we're going to do. We need to find out more about the war, about why it happened and what it means for us."

Leo nodded in agreement. "I agree. We'll split up and ask around, see if we can gather any information. Just be careful and stay together. We're in a uncharted territory here."

Raph couldn't help but grin. "Uncharted territory is our middle name, fearless leader. But seriously, lets keep our wits about us. We're dealing with gods after all." Mikey nodded. The light of the family had spoken.

"And dont forget the most important part, we've got eachothers backs. No matter what happens, we face it together." His brothers nodded in agreement.

They set off into the realm of gods, their footsteps echoing in the hollowed hals. Each encounter, each conversation, brought them closer together to the truth they sought. They learned of achient conflitcs, of power struggles that shapped the very fabric of this celestial realm.

As the day went on, they found themselves in the presence of gods and godesses. Each encounter offering new perspectives and insights. They were welcomed, their questions met with a willingness to share knowledge that remained shrouded in mystery for far to long.

Mikey first started talking to Athena. "Greetings Athena, we're seeking answers about the war that happened 15 years ago. Could you share some information about what had happened?"

Athena looked over at Mikey. "Ah, the war... It was a tumultuous time, indeed. The conflict had its roots in ancient rivalries and struggles for power. What you seek lies within the annals of history, young ones. Seek out the ancient texts for a clearer understanding."

Mikey nodded. "Where whould i find that?" He asked. "I suggest you speak with your father about that. He has more information then I do." Mikey smiled. "Ah I see. Thankyou for your help Athena." She nodded. "Anytime. If you have any more questions or seek help. Just yell my name and I shall be there."

With Donnie:
Donnie looked around for anygod he could find to seek answers. He noticed Hermes by himself, gazing at the sky and stars above. He walked towards him. "Excuse me sir?" Hermes looked behind him.

"Oh why hello there young mutant. Is there anything I can assist you with?" He asked. "Well, I was wondering if you could guide us to any sources or individuals who may have more information?"

Hermes thought for a moment. "Ah. Seekers of knowledge! I can certainly point you in the right direction. Seek out the Orcale of Delphi. She has insights that may illuminate the hidden shadows of the past."

Donnie nodded. "Thankyou for your help uh-" Donnie paused. "Hermes." He smiled. "Thankyou for your help Hermes. Its a pleasure meeting you." Hermes nodded. "It's quite the pleasure meeting you too, Brother of Michelangelo." They both shook hands.

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