Revelations Of Divine Lineage: The Truth of hidden Secrets Revealed

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Leo broke the silence they had. "To think we're all the sons of Zeus... it's a lot to take in. But it explains so much..." Raph looked at Leo. "Yeah but it also raises a ton of questions. Like why did he send us to the mortal realm in the first place?" Donnie looked at them.

"And meeting our older brother, Apollo... it's like a piece of our past suddenly snapped into place." Donnie finally said. "If you seek more answers of the past and about your brother, speak with Apollo about your questions. And he shall answer." They all looked at the statue.

"Thankyou for your help, we really appreciate it." Mikey smiled. "Anytime. Glad I could assist you on your journey." The brothers all walked out and headed back to the palace.

They all walked towards Apollo. "Soooo Apollo, what's it like being god? Any tips for us newbies?" Raph hit mikey. "Hey! What was that for?" Mikey yellped. Apollo just watched them. "Way to get to the point Mikey." Raph rolled his eyes.

"I know what I'm doing geese dudes. Chill out." Mikey huffed out. "Well to answer your question." Apollo interrupted. "Being a god comes with its own challenges, but also great power. Remember, it's not about the strength of your abilities, but how you use them."

Mikey nodded. "I heard we're brothers as well."  Apollo's eyes widened. "Well Zeus is my father as well so I guess that makes sense." He smiled. "I've always been a scientist, but now... I'm a god. It's a lot to wrap my head around." Donnie looked at Leo.

"Our destinies are intertwined with the gods of the mortal realm. We have a responsibility to both." Leo replied. "So we're all family after all. That's a lot but we've also got eachothers backs, no matter what." Raph said while smiling.

"And having an older brother like Apollo, that's pretty cool. Right guys?" Mikey looked at his brothers. "Yeah, it is." They responded. Donnie looked up at Apollo. "Are our choices our own, or are we bound by some cosmic plan?" He asked Apollo.

"You have the power to shape your own destiny. Embrace your own choices and let them guide you." Apollo answered. Mikey looked at his brothers once again. "Guys, I know this is a lot, but we've always faced the unknown together. We'll figure this out too." Mikey tried to bring light to his family once again.

"You're right, Mikey. We're Turtles, and we're brothers. Nothing changes that." Leo replied. Conversations between the brothers become a tapestry of emotions, ranging from astonishment to acceptance, as they come to terms with their identities as gods.

They lean on each other for support, recognizing that their shared lineage is a source of strength. As time goes on, they soon learn to realize they also have abilities. But they must learn to use them for the greater good. And to protect their home.

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