Threads Of Fate

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Mikey and his brothers stand in front of the Oracle, a figure shrouded in mystique and ancient wisdom. The Oracle imparts cryptic prophecies and reveals hidden truths about the war that unfolded 15 years ago.

They looked over in an open area and saw a water fountain. Ontop was a statue. "Welcome travelers, I've heard you seek wisdom and truth based on the tragedy that happened 15 years ago." His voice echoed through each hallway.

Leo looked at the ancient statue. "If you know anything about this, please tell us. We need as much information as we can get." The statue stood silent for a few moments. "Ah I see, before I continue. I have found out something very interesting about you four. It seems Zeus has not told you yet."

They all looked at the statue in confusion. "What do you mean?" The statue thought for a moment. "Well, I'm assuming he wanted me to tell you. Michelangelo isn't the only one here with god-like powers, he also isn't Zeus's only son."

They were all in shock. "He has another son?!?" Donnie asked in confusion. "The truth is, you 3 are also his sons, just sent into the mortal realm in different years. And you all have an older brother named Apollo."

They all looked at each other in disbelief. Not only did they just find out they were gods, they had already met their older brother and had no idea about it until now.

The Son Of A Greek GodWhere stories live. Discover now