Closer To Time

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Time skip: 2 Years Later

Splinter had gotten Michelangelo his first ever skateboard. That way if he was ever bored he would be able to skate throughout the sewers. Leo walked up to his father. "Yes my son? What seems to bother you?" Leo looked down at the floor.  "Well I was wondering if our time to go up to the sewers is getting closer, we've been stuck down here for 2 years and I think it's time we go up and explore."

His Sensei sighed as he would hear this everyday from each of his kids. He knew he couldn't keep them down here forever. "I will tell you once I am ready, my son, but for now I have something better." He stood up and grabbed different weapons. He grabbed Twin Katanas, Twin Sai, Nunchucks, and lastly, A bo staff. He thought these choices of weapons would be perfect for his sons.

"My sons! Please come meet me in the dojo. I have something I would like to show you!" He had said. Hoping the weapons he had chosen for each of his sons would work out for them. They all had come running into the room. "What is it father?" They all said. "From now on you will be calling me Sensei." He placed the weapons on the floor nicely in a row.

"These Twin Katanas belong to you, Leonardo." Leo looked at the katanas. His eyes sparkled as he picked them up. Next was Raphael. Splinter grabbed the Twin Sai and handed them to Raphael. "These are for you my son. I have chosen them, because you are strong, but you can be hot-headed at times." He grabbed the Bo Staff. He gave it to Donetello.

"This one is for you, my son. You have wonderful skills and techniques for handling situations. Your inventions are quite the amazed.  Please take this staff in honor of the Hamato family." Donnie took the staff. "Thank you, Sensei for these weapons you have given us." Mikey looked over at his father. "What about me Da- I mean Sensei?"

He looked over at his youngest. He grabbed the Nunchucks and handed them to him. "These seem like they suit you the most, my son." That made Michelangelo smile. He started swirling them around and accidentally hit himself and fell. "Heh oops." Donnatello walked over to him and patted him on the back.

They were all practicing with their weapons."It is time for our first lesson my sons. Come." He patted at the ground as the mutant sat down on the mat. The other turtles did the same.

"Now, as a Ninja, You must know the basic rules." He sighed. "Ninja's should be good at communicating with others. They should be kind and not make enemies. You should appear normally when outside. Understood?" They all nodded. "Good. Now let us continue."

The mutant stood up. "There are different skills that Ninja's should know. But before I get further into it, I would like to give you these." He had four different color masks. Red, Orange, Blue, and lastly Purple.

He gave Raphael the Red Mask. "This one is for you, My son." The turtle tied the mask around his eyes. Splinter then handed the masks to everyone else. They all put the masks on. "Thankyou Sensei." They all said at the same time.

The father of the turtles started to train them. He first started with Tai Jutsu, then Daken Jutsu. Then he finished off the five hour lessons with Jutai-Jatsu. "That is all for today my sons, you have done enough and have made me proud for how far you have come." He smiled and sent the turtles out of the room.

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