01 | The Memory.

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(This is not canon one bit)

The memory.

(1st person)

I would slowly walk and sit down on a bench gently, thinking about how nice the garden is.

*I'd sigh* "Tomorrow is my 25Th Birthday, Kocho. I will be with you soon." He would speak with pain in his voice

He would look up at the stars and close his eyes

"Don't think I forgot the promise we made before you left. We will meet in another life, I promise."

*Flash back*

"Ne Ne~ Tomioka~san, If we die can we meet each other in another life?" Kocho says with an ache in her voice.

"Kocho" He Pauses talking and takes a long moment to think what he is gonna say. "Kocho, I promise in every life we have I will always find a way to meet you again." He says with a soft smile on his face as he turns to look at Kocho.

Kochos deep purple eyes lock into Tomioka's sea blue eyes. They look into each other's eyes for a while, Kocho realizes what happens and looks away.

*Flash back ends*

(Back in the garden with Giyuu.)

*he would open his eyes slowly as he kept watching the stars* "It's getting late, I should head to bed soon." He would pull his body up from the bench to walk to his bedroom.

Once he slid his door open he would walk his way to his bed to plop down and lay on the bed to think back on his life. He looked over to his night stand to see Kocho's broken hair pin. He would gently reach out and grab it to pull it towards him.

"Kocho." He would hold the last thing he had of her to remember her by. He would bring the Hair clip to rest on his chest, He would slowly close his eyes and drift off into sleep.

The crack of sunlight glared on top of him. It would wake him up. He'd pull himself to sit in an upright position against the headboard. He would look outside to admire nature. He'd sigh

"It seems today is a good day. Such a shame I have to leave the others today" He spoke

(If you're wondering why he isn't with the others or the others aren't with him it's because they don't know today he dies.)

He'd pull himself to sit at the edge of the bed, He'd stand up after a bit of
sitting at the edge. Then He would walk over and change into day clothes.

"I think this should do, I mean this is all I have." He'd look at his outfits, which is the Hoari he used back when he was a slayer a black shirt and pants.

"Okay, I'm ready to go." He would say sadly

He would take one last look at his house leaving a note on the door for someone to find if they ever come looking for him.

*A few hours later*

He would finally arrive at the grave area of Kanae Kocho. He would put flowers next to the headstone and noticed there were other flowers he thought to himself "Hm. I know Kanao can't visit because she's too busy with her kids. It's probably because Sanemi left some Flowers for Kanae. How sweet." He would look and see another headstone, the name engraved on it was Shinobu Kocho. Kanao never liked the fact that Shinobu never got a place to rest or memorial so she made one and put it next to her sister Kanae.

"Hey Kocho." He would say softly with a slight smile. While putting down flowers next to her head stone.

He would lay down next to her grave and look at the sky.

He started thinking back on his feelings towards Shinobu. And the relationship that they had between them,He would remember the kindness she always showed towards him. He would slowly get a slight blush on his up checks.

"I'll get to see you soon." He would say softly with tears going down his eyes

He would pull her hair clip out of his pocket and rest it on his chest. He'd close his eyes. As he felt a cold breeze go across him, he could feel death creeping in. He wasn't scared one bit, he was ready.

(Giyu is in the gateway of death which is a black void.)

"Ara~ Ara~ Tomioka~san~."The voice said softly.

He heard a soft regionizable voice he remembered but he couldn't think who it was. He would look around the endless black void. He would suddenly realize who the voice was.

"Kocho!" He would quickly turn his head where the voice was.

Once again The Dark Purple Eyes would lock with The Blue Eyes As Deep As The Ocean.

"...Kocho..." He would smile softly.

"Hello, Tomioka~san.." Kocho would say gently

"Did you wait for me?..." You could hear the happiness in his voice.

"I'm only a part of her soul. She already got reincarnated, She left a part of her soul to greet you." The soul would safe softly

He would feel a part of sadness that she didn't wait for him but happy she left something for him.

"So how do I get to meet her again?" He says wanting answer quickly

"You're gonna have to go through the process of reincarnation. Then you will have to find her but this may take years even decades before you will get to see her again. You might not even see her as your first reincarnation." She would say as gently as possible not trying to hurt my feelings.

"You mean we won't get to see eachother again?" You could hear the sorrow in his voice.

"Yes, there is a chance you will never meet again." She answered back.

He would look down scared he may never see her again.

"You're lucky she made special arrangements for you. Right before she reincarnated she left me to help you get to her as fast as possible. I will be with you through the process and the first 20 years of your reincarnated life to help you look for me.Once you find her I will go back with the rest of her soul and then she will remember you." She would say right after not giving me time to speak

I'd look up at her again

"You mean a part of her will be with me as I search for her... Oh Kocho." He'd be revealed that a part of her is still with him.

"Let's go start your process now. Shall we.." She would lean her head towards a white door that came out of nowhere.

"Yeah we shall.." He said softly and headed towards her.

"Wait..." He would turn around quickly and look at what's behind him. "Goodbye guys I will miss you guys. We will meet again."

They would slowly walk through the white door which flashed a bright light.

"They would slowly walk through the white door which flashed a bright light

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(A/n) (Btw 1113 words)

Okay! That was the first chaparter I hope you enjoyed! Please tell me your feedback! I will not judge! Anyways thank you for reading!

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