02 | Good to meet you again.

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(Thank you for 50 reads! I speed rushed this chapatar so sorry if its not the best! I will come and fix it later if needed! Just know they wont be coming out as fast as this! Its gonna be my writing time!)

(This chapter had a major time skip. He is now 20, and lives by himself in Tokyo. He is a waiter making average wage and he is in college. Yes he is still looking for Kocho. The next photo is him at the time.)


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"Ugh... Finally I am getting off shift in a few mins.. Another all day shift I need to stop doing this." He spoke with tiredness in his voice

A lady with Black hair walks up to the counter with a soft smile with Pinkish purple glowing eyes. With a similar hair clip to Kochos.

"Hello, may I get a Small latte?"She would speak softly and with kindness in her voice

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"Hello, may I get a Small latte?"She would speak softly and with kindness in her voice.

He felt his heart race as he saw someone who reminded him of Kocho. But he wouldn't believe it.

"Oh uhm.. Yeah a Small latte...That will be 300 yen.. " He spoke with a shaky voice. While punching that in.

"Alright! Thank you very much." She would say with softness and then paid and walked to the side to wait for her latte.

"Uhm... Hey Rengoku! Can you cover the register? I will get off soon!" He said in a hurry while heading to the employees only bathroom

He would start getting nervous.

"Was that Kocho it can't be right?.. Her spirit left before that encounter." He says shackley

*Flash back*

He is walking in a big crowd when he just got off work. He suddenly bumps into someone.

"Sorry miss."He would say quickly.

He would quickly run to his dorm room and sit down waiting for Kocho's spirit to arrive. As she usually does once he gets to the dorm room.

He would sit there for a bit waiting for her to show up but she would never show up. She never ended up showing.

"Where is she damnit. " He spoke upsettingly then he would realize

"W-wait I must have ran into Kocho!" He would exclaim

"Wait when thought it couldn't have been at work she was goofing off since people couldn't see her. Wait... THE GIRL I BUMPED INTO." He would says realizing

He would rush to his window to see if that girl was still in sight. He scanned the street view below his apartment but there seemed to be no sight of her. He would sigh and sit down onto his bed upset that he didn't realize sooner

*end of flashback*

"Damnit, why did you have to leave me when I needed you the most.."He would say in a rude manner. "Wait, what was that girl's name that was ordered!" He would say Lunging out of the bathroom to see the order list.

He tried to see the order list if her name was on there but it would seem they already served her her drink. He would look around the cafe to see if he saw her by chance again. He would see her walking outside.

"CLOCK ME OUT" He would shout as jumping over the counter trying to catch up to her before it was too late.

He would quickly open the cafe door and see her walking down the sidewalk. He would take off running after her. He would see a crowd start forming and he would panic that he won't see her again.

"Kocho!" He would shout frantically

The person he seemed to be chasing stopped and turned around confused. As she saw a guy run up heavily breathing, trying to catch his breath while muttering some words she couldn't understand.

"Woah, Slow down mister" She would say in a calming voice.

"S... Sorry, but are you Kocho!" He would say in between breaths

She would smile softly and say "Kocho is my last name, and my first is Kanae, why are you asking dear?"

"I know someone named Kocho! And she looks like you. Sorry if I confused you with her." He would say finally catching his breath

"It's no worries Sir." She would say in such a kind gentle voice.

"Can I get your number?" He would shout realizing it's a bit weird for him to be asking for her number "W-wait I mean in a way that like if you know someone else named Kocho you could tell me in all you know" He tries fixing what he says so he doesn't sound like a creep.

She would chuckle a bit "Are you sure you are not trying to hit on me?"

"I'm positive ma'am!" He would say in a shocked expression on his face

"Ah ok here is my num-" She would start saying before getting cut off by someone.

"Nee-san we are opposed to meeting further down what's taking you so long." A familiar voice would cut her off.

The girl had Deep Purple eyes. And to die for beautiful Brown faded into purple hair.

My eyes would lift up and meet hers. Her soft beautiful Purple eyes. It's like the day we meet all over again. He felt a slight tingle on his check and soon realized he was blushing a bit at the sight of her.

"My my Nee-san, have you met a pervert." She would say snickering.

"Me a pervert? Out of everyone Shinobu , you were the pervert." He would say not thinking about it

Then he would realize she might not remember him and he just called her by her first name she might just know him as a stranger talking to her sister

"Oh my the pervert knows my name nee-san!" She would exclaim

"Wait, I can explain!" I would say knowing there was no way for me to explain.

"Lets go nee-san this pervert is weirding me out." Shinobu would say while turning away in a harsh manner

I would think to myself "Wait no no I can't lose her just yet I just got her no.." I would try to quickly fix myself knowing if I told her the truth she would freak.

"I uh! We used to go to school together! That's how I know your name!" I would say trying to find an excuse.

"Hm. That's odd but okay." Shinobu would say suspiciously

"Wait, I can get Kocho's number instead of Kane's cause she's here."I would think to myself

"Hey Kocho, can I get your number to keep in contact with?"He would say quickly

Kocho would jump at the question 

"I would think to myself"Hey Kocho, can I get your number to keep in contact with?"He would say quicklyKocho would jump at the question 

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