05 | The reasons.

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"Well you love him right?.."

"How can one love someone they don't know! Huh! That's impossible!" I shouted out in anger... But maybe she was right... The moment I saw him hurt I cried.. But it must have been her feelings not mine!.. Yeah hers! Not mine!... Right?...

The area around us started collapsing. I got worried and shocked and yelled out "WHAT IS GOING ON!"

"Ara~ Ara~ That's a shame.. I was hoping for more time.. It seems you're waking up!" Waking up? What does she mean?...

"Wait what do you mean!?! Waking up!" I was so confused... then suddenly the floor under me gave in... I started falling

"You have been asleep! Tell Tomioka-san I miss him!" it turned all black all sudden....

I suddenly jolted up into a sitting position gasping for air wondering what was going....

(Tomioka's pov)

"Ugh... my body hurts..." I would say in a groaning whisper... I finally opened my eyes after a while... It's so bright. I quickly shut my eyes and slowly opened them to adjust to the brightness..

Once I was fully adjusted I saw I was in a hospital....

I would look around then I would notice a person to my left?...

I tried to concentrate to see who it was...

Black-ish purple hair.. With a purple butterfly hair clip...


Who was that?... I don't recognize them.. Huh... Who are they and why are we sharing a room?.. Odd.

Where is nee-san?... (Tsutako)

I Would look around and see if there was anyone near us nope it was just me and her in the room.. But she was out cold..

Then suddenly she would jump up as she gasped for air like she hadn't been breathing for the past decade..

(Kochos pov)

I would think to myself "COME ON CATCH MY BREATH WHY THE HELL IS IT SO HARD TO BREATH." I Would be trying to catch my breath.. After a bit I was able to and sat there trying to understand what was going on...

I would look around and notice someone on the bed... Wait..

It was the guy I gave the number to and ran too! Wait.... It's him...

"Tomio-" Before I could even finish my sentence I felt a wave of sickness fall on me and I passed out again..

(Tomioka pov)

"H-hey! Are you okay!" I saw her jump up then suddenly pass out when she saw me! What?! What is going on, is she okay?! I wanted to get up and check on her, but my body was heavy. I couldn't move.

Even though my body didn't wanna move. I made it move, I had to get to her..

I would finally sit up and make my way to the edge of my bed. I would go to stand up but I would fall.. It seems I don't have full control over my body yet.. Whatever.. I would stand back up and limp over to her.. I would check her pulse to see its was still there I exhaled sharply

"Thank god she is okay..." I would get her into a comfortable position.. She looked cold so I put her blanket on her.. But she was still shivering.. I walked over to my bed and grabbed my blanket and put it on her. But she was still shivering..

I know I shouldn't do this but I couldn't stop myself. I had to...

I would lay down next to her and start cuddling her to give her warmth, And I felt nice holding her in my arms. I wouldn't mind staying like this forever.. After a while I would start feeling sleepy, Then I would fall asleep holding her in my arms.. "At Least she is warm" was the last thought in my head while I fell asleep. 

The Promise | Giyu X ShinobuWhere stories live. Discover now