03 | The answer.

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A/N:(OMG OMG OMG TY TY FOR 100 READS TYYYY) Background music for you babies <3

The answer

"My my, Straight to the point I see." She would say giggling and she would put her hand out a bit

I felt my heart race as she put her hand out. I wanted to grab it and hold it but I must keep it together. I would reach into my pocket and fumble for my phone. I finally got it and handed it to her with a soft chuckle.

"Oh? It seems you forgot to unlock it!" She said teasingly

I would panic and think to myself "Shoot I was too busy thinking about something else! To realize I didn't unlock it!..." I would quickly go to grab the phone to unlock it but she held the phone in her hands not letting it go. Our hands would touch. Our eyes would meet and look into each other. I felt my heart start to race again. I felt a tingle on top of my cheeks. Was I blushing?... I blinked then I felt a hand to my face. Then I realized it was Kocho's hand?....


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"Perv!" She shouted as she slapped the face.

"Motherfu-" I started grabbing my face where she slapped me. Luckily I caught myself before actually saying it all.

"What was that for? I was just grabbing my phone to unlock it!"I was upset that she slapped me.

"You touched my hand in some type of way, you pervert!" She said while turning a bright shade of red.

Kanae would chuckle at the sight of this. I could see Kochos' embarrassed face with a tint of anger in it. It made me wanna chuckle too but I knew I shouldn't, But I had to. It reminds me of the past. When she would tease me.

"Sorry sorry." I would say as I grabbed my phone and unlocked it for her. Then handed it back to her with a soft grin.

"Hmph! You don't seem sorry!" He said as she typed in her number and gave the phone back to him

He would grab the phone and save the number and put my phone in my back pocket.

"I will let you guys go now since you guys seem to be in a hurry." I would be proud that I got her number.

(3rd Person)

Shinobu and Kanae would realize that he was right there where meant to be somewhere! But instead they were sitting there and talking to Giyu! The both realized at the same time and looked at each other horrified!

"We gotta go, it was good talking to you!" Kanae says while grabbing Kocho by the hand and running off!

(1st person)

I would watch them run off and feel a soft smile arise on my face. What was this feeling, I have never felt it before. It feels so warm. Nice and cozy. I love this feeling, it's comforting and nice...

"Well since I'm off shift I guess I can go get a drink or two? Hm... Should I invite Rengoku..." I say this aloud meaning to say this to myself.

Then I suddenly hear a familiar voice and I jump because it was out of nowhere.

"Yes! You should invite Rengoku!" The Orange hair red tips guy said.

I would sigh realizing I said it aloud and Rengoku also just went off shift and saw me out here and probably went up to me and heard me say that.

"Hey... Rengoku..." I said with the least sound happy voice ever. "Do you wanna go get drinks at a bar nearby?..."

"I would indeed like to go with you best buddy!" He would shout for the whole town to hear.

"Great.. Let's head there..."I say.

We start heading to the bar and making small talk. And then suddenly Rengoku would say

"Tomioka! I never knew you were one with the ladies! Two beautiful women earlier talking to you! Wow! I'm impressed! You need to teach me your ways!" Rengoku Would explame

I would slowly turn and look at him with the most confused face I must have ever had in my life before.


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"Rengoku... What do you mean... One with the ladies...." I would say confused.

"HA! HA! I saw you talking to these beautiful ladies earlier! So you must be one with the ladies! HA! HA!" Rengoku would explain

I was still confused about what he was talking about... Ladies?... wait... Does he mean.....


"Ren....RENGOKU!... THEY ARE OLD FRIENDS I CAN EXPLAIN ITS NOTHING LIKE THAT!" I would try to explain while waving my hands around to explain what's going on.

"No need to explain tomioka! I'm not one to judge!" Rengoku would say starting to walk off.

I would quickly run after him trying to catch up... We finally made our way into the bar and sat down at the bar and I ordered a dry martini while Rengoku ordered Vodka shots. I don't know how man took those with a sirous face. After a few drinks I was slightly drunk and Rengoku was wasted by then.

"Tom...Tomioka.. You should.. Call the hot ladies number you got.. I overhead you getting her number!" Rengoku would say with hiccups as he talked

Hot ladies?... Oh yeah.. Kanae and shinobu... I guess I could give Shinobu a call. Yeah I can give her a call . I hope she is free right now.

"Sure I can give her a call. I think she should be free..." I say without hiccups since I am not as drunk as him.

I pull out my phone and sigh as I go into my contact list while Rengoku is shaking me excited. I am gonna call her. I go to the contacts and go to contact.....

My eyes would widen and I would drop my phone on the bar...

A/N:(Omg this chapatar gave me a heart attack i was writting it and i cut more then half of it and when i tried to undo the cut it just started delelting more so i just refreashed the page and luckly it was all back)


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