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Hungry, tired, and upset!

Angelina wanted to roar like Bowo—the toothache Sumatran tiger. She followed the vehicle that had hit her with a high temper. They had just passed a mini market with the word ATM displayed on the wall. However, the Fortuner still drove on.

Angelina honked while opening the window as the Fortuner entered the entrance-free highway. Ignoring the onlookers, she shouted at the top of her lungs, "Hey! Stop!"

Angelina's efforts had borne fruit as the driver rolled down the window of the Fortuner and shouted back at her.

"Oops, my bad, Sis! Let's go straight to the repair shop. There's a good and cheap one near my work. Don't worry, I'll take care of all the expenses."

"Yo, which repair shop is still open?! It's almost night—."

However, before Angelina could finish her protest, the Fortuner driver rolled up the window and drove off to pay for the free highway ticket.

"Oh, you putty-makeup lizard!" Angelina screeched as she rolled up her window. She had only two choices: keep chasing the Makeup Lizard or go home and whine to Paul about paying for the vehicle repairs.

While she thought hard, an incoming message came to her cell phone. Angelina picked up the cell phone and read it.

You got this, Tigress! Go for it!

Angelina caught her breath. Her cheeks warmed as she felt embarrassed and honored. However, the honks from other vehicles made her realize.

Angelina bit her lower lip, her face full of determination. She stepped on the gas, following the Fortuner, which had now entered the freeway.


Angelina spent fifteen minutes tailing the Fortuner. Her stomach rumbled as the sight of the busy highway was not helping her to improve her mood.

As she grumbled, the Fortuner flashed its left signal. A green rectangular sign on the road indicated they were leaving the freeway.

"Finally," Angelina exclaimed with a relieved sigh, adjusting the steering wheel to catch up with the vehicle.


They drove past a new mall run by a Japanese company at a slow pace. Angelina smiled as she glanced at the three-story building. At that place, she met Paul for the first time, and it was also where Paul proposed to her.

Angelina smiled as she recalled the sweetest memory of her life. It was nighttime. Illuminated by the colorful lights in the park, Paul knelt while showing the golden ring in the red box and asked Angelina to be his wife.

However, Angelina stopped smiling when she realized they had entered an unfamiliar road. She could no longer see the high-rise buildings, as a road of empty fields dominated the view.

Angelina felt worse as she glanced at the darkening sky while biting her lip. Should I go home instead? I think no one cares about the dent anyway.

The row of newly paved street lamps lit up, indicating that it was six in the afternoon. Only three motorcycles passed them.

Angelina almost turned back to head homeward. However, the Fortuner flashed its left signal.

Angelina looked at their destination. They had arrived at a building covered with a very high parapet.

The Fortuner rolled down the window, and the driver poked her head out before exclaiming, "Sis, how about we get in first! I want to take my ATM card! We should head straight to the parking lot!"

Angelina wanted to refuse. However, the Makeup Lizard rolled up the window and drove away.

"You lizard," Angelina grumbled. With a sour face, she followed the woman into the building.


Angelina forgot her annoyance as she passed the inspection, during which three security officers checked the car's interior, underside, and trunk.

"Is there a helicopter pad there?" Angelina whispered as she saw a black helicopter flying low toward the roof of the building, which had black windows dominating its appearance.

A giant gold Genma Hospital sign emblazoned near the garden fountain and on the wall of the building sparked her curiosity. She had never heard of the hospital.

Angelina dismissed her curiosity when they entered the parking lot at the back of the building. Her irritation reignited when the big black car with the dented muzzle kept going down to the basement area even though there were plenty of empty spaces for parking.

A few minutes had passed when the Fortuner stopped on a floor marked H-6 near a glass door that led to the elevator. Angelina parked beside a gigantic six-wheeled truck with Genma Hospital gold lettering. She turned off the engine, wearing a sour expression.

Darn Lizard! She drove an expensive car. Clad in branded clothes. Attitude like a celebrity. But she's a pain in the ass!


Angelina opened the car door and stepped out with determination. The purple-haired woman stood by the side of the Fortuner. The door flung wide open as she delved into an expensive-looking, bright red bag.

"Ma'am, it's too late! Which repair shop would be open at this hour? You should consider paying—"

"Ah, here it is!" The woman's voice rang out as she triumphantly retrieved a palm-sized, diamond-shaped glass bottle, her smile stretching wide.

"Is that perfume?" Angelina inquired, her brows furrowing in puzzlement. Is she trying to freshen up? Here and now?

The Fortuner driver's pearl earrings caught the light as she straightened, directing the spray from the bottle toward Angelina's face.

The pleasant aroma wafted into Angelina's nostrils, making her quickly turn her head and cough in response to another spray that followed.

"It's intended for just one spray," the woman grumbled, shaking the half-filled bottle.

Angelina's vision spun, her stomach churning with nausea. She staggered backward, attempting to distance herself. Yet, the woman persistently pursued her, spraying continuously until the bottle was empty. Angelina lost consciousness and tumbled down.

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Copyright @2023, Luna S.Winterheart

Taming The Tiger Man - An Urban Dark Fantasy Romance Genetic EngineeringWhere stories live. Discover now