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Ramaik turned his head. The creature labeled hobo by Fonda gave Angelina a flat expression.

"H-hi, again." Angelina forced a smile. She felt foolish, standing by the cage with a brand-new electric shave.

Silence filled the entire room. However, not long after, Ramaik's gaze shifted to the object Angelina was holding before he let out a long purr from his faintly curved lips.

"Uh, yes..." Angelina replied. "Y-you haven't shaved. S-so..."

"Doctor! Can you stop stammering in front of the beast?" Nixon, who felt disturbed by Angelina's action, voiced his protest.

Ramaik roared and caused Angelina to stagger backward. This time, however, the creature did not crash into the bars. His human eyes stared at the band-aid on Nixon's forehead before his smile broadened.

Angelina gasped in awe. Her heart was beating faster and faster. She liked what she saw.

However, Angelina squealed in surprise, and Ramaik roared to the clashing of metal as Nixon hurled his plastic chair against the bars, shouting, "Funny, huh?! Take that, Scurvy Cat!"

"Mr. Nixon!" exclaimed Angelina, her voice cutting through the inhuman roar behind her. "Stop bothering him!"

"Doctor, it's not fair! Why are you only mad at me?! That Scurvy Cat started it first!" The furious bodyguard pointed at his swollen forehead. "Look, who did this?"

A long, soft purr replaced Ramaik's roar. Angelina's eyes narrowed lazily. The brat had deliberately whacked Nixon on the head and was currently laughing.

However, since Nixon was outside the cage and Ramaik was behind bars, for the sake of fairness, she let the creature have a little fun. So she stood with her arms akimbo, defending her patient.

"It was your own doing! If you hadn't bothered him in the first place, he wouldn't have been aggressive towards you. So, stand there and leave him alone."

"Your actions are very unprofessional," Nixon grumbled. "Get your work done, Doctor. I don't want to lose my entire lunch hour."

Angelina ignored Nixon's tirade. She turned her body before her gaze instantly collided with the purring cat-man.

She took a deep breath and slowly exhaled while pulling the plastic chair away from the iron bars.

Angelina then ducked down to reach for the electric shave and tried to catch the attention of Ramaik. That creature was still busy enjoying his actions.


The beast's gaze shifted. He tilted his head and stared at the razor held by Angelina with a questioning look.

"Shave," Angelina replied while touching her chin. "Can you do it?"

A low purr sounded from Ramaik. The creature's lips curled while his hand reached out from between the bars to request a shave from her hands.

Angelina's brow furrowed. Ramaik's expression was too cheerful. She halted to give the electric shaver to her patient and shook her head. "Not to be thrown!"

Ramaik's hands grasped the bars while he gave Angelina a short protest-like roar. Yet, the woman shook her head firmly. She then pointed at her cheeks and demonstrated a shaving style. "This is to clean your face. Can you do it? If not, I have to give you—"

Angelina's eyes widened as a tranquilizer bullet pierced Ramaik's shoulder. She turned back and yelled angrily at Nixon.

"Mr. Nixon! What are you doing?!"

Taming The Tiger Man - An Urban Dark Fantasy Romance Genetic EngineeringWhere stories live. Discover now