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Angelina rubbed her damp hair with a white towel as she walked out of her luxuriously clean bathroom, wearing pink pajamas with a bunny pattern. It was seven in the evening. Her mind filled with the events of this afternoon. Her hunch was correct. They trapped her! Paul's life would be at stake.


Angelina felt a sudden urge to cry, her eyes becoming moist. What should I do?

However, before she found a solution to her problem, a stack of files on the work table stopped her reverie. Her eyes dimmed when she read the title on the cover.


How is that poor creature doing?

It would be unfair if she only felt sorry for herself. Angelina tossed her damp towel onto the bed. She picked up a green file at the top of the pile and flopped onto the work chair.

Ramaik, no surname.

She unfolded the top sheet and began reading.

Born in Main Island, Kerinci, Jambi, Indonesia.

So, Ramaik is thirty years old, Angelina concluded to herself. They were almost the same age. She remembered their last interaction. She could see him smile even though hair covered most of his face.

Angelina came back to her senses and shook her head. A few seconds ago, she was concerned about her husband's safety. Now, she's admiring another male who was more like an animal than a human.

Have I lost my mind?!

"Stupid Angelina, stop thinking so much!" The woman scolded and smacked herself on the head before continuing to read the next paragraph.

He comes from a low-income family.

Genma Hospital took him when he was five years old.

Does it mean they kidnapped him?

"They also did it to other children, but only he survived."

Angelina's breath caught as Fonda's words came back to her. If her inference was correct, Ramaik was born like any other child.

Angelina's body trembled. She remembered checking the stitches on Ramaik's back.

The tiger fur had grown on the skin, the distinctive tiger sounds she heard, and the long fangs visible between his lips.

What had they done to him?

Angelina read the next page. Her eyes widened as she saw a few of Ramaik's photo documentation of past surgeries with some explanations in pen next to them.

Nausea made Angelina close the file. She ran straight to the nearest sink to vomit the contents of her stomach.

Crazy! Those crazy people have crossed the line!

They anesthetized the five-year-old boy, then cut open his back to the hips to replace some of his internal organs.

Angelina got a goosebump as she continued to puke. It's a miracle Ramaik is still alive today after twelve surgeries.

Angelina tried to regulate her intermittent breathing by filling her lungs with oxygen. She then exhaled at a slow pace. Her trembling hands gripped the edge of the pantry.

Are there other prisoners in this building who share a fate like mine? Are there other humans locked up in cells like Ramaik?

The water in the sink continued to flow as Angelina tried to calm herself. Next week, she would be out of this cursed place. That's when she would find a way to escape forever.

Taming The Tiger Man - An Urban Dark Fantasy Romance Genetic EngineeringWhere stories live. Discover now