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Angelina's wall clock struck eight in the morning, just as Fonda walked in, bringing a sweet fragrance with her. Sporting a Gothic theme today, she had black and purple eye makeup and dark red lipstick. She wore a tight black suit covered with a doctor's coat.

"Finished breakfast yet, Doc?" Fonda glanced at the pile of wet dishes Angelina had just washed and then at the damp edges of her partner's short-sleeved blue shirt.

A blush crept up Angelina's cheeks due to the embarrassment. It appeared that Fonda was criticizing her habit of using her shirt's hem to dry her hands.

Angelina disregarded the resigned sigh from her partner. She exited the room and looked down the empty corridor before raising her voice to ask Fonda, who was closing and locking her room. "Doctor Fonda, where is your room...?"

However, Angelina's words trailed off when she received a sharp glare from her interlocutor.

With a grunted response, Fonda walked ahead of her coworker. "Come on..."

Angelina's lips formed a tight line. It appeared that Fonda didn't appreciate her attempt at friendliness. She mirrored Fonda's expression while they walked along the dark red carpeted hallway toward the central elevator.

After five minutes, they stood in front of the only elevator with a wide-opening door. A 190 centimeters tall man, dressed in shades of brown resembling dried leaves, stood there. His dark brown skin and black ponytail indicated his Indonesian heritage.

Is he mixed race? Angelina thought to herself. She didn't even realize that she was staring at the man's body muscles until she got a grin from the man.

"Good morning."

The deep resonance of his voice, seemingly concealing laughter, struck a blow to Angelina's self-esteem. For a moment, she contemplated faking a seizure to escape the awkwardness. Unexpectedly, Fonda's words saved her from the predicament.

"Mr. Nixon, this is Doctor Angelina. She'll be my replacement."

"Huh? Where are you going to be transferred to?" Angelina's shock was evident. Despite Fonda's sharp scent and sour expression, she had been Angelina's first friend in this unfamiliar place.

However, Nixon responded to Fonda's words before Angelina received the answer. "Alright, Doc. Congratulations on the promotion."

A hint of a smile tugged at the corners of Fonda's red lips. She stepped into the elevator and prompted them, "Come on. We've already wasted enough time."

"Please proceed, Doc." Nixon's words motivated Angelina to step into the elevator. She positioned herself to the right of Fonda, who occupied the middle spot.

Angelina's eyes widened when she noticed a revolver hanging from Nixon's waist as he swiped a white card with green trim and then pressed the button labeled "15."

A question nagged at her mind. Why did the hospital require a bodyguard armed with a firearm? However, she suppressed her curiosity, hesitant to inquire. The elevator descended to an underground area housing the researchers.

As the elevator came to a halt, the iron doors opened, and a robotic female voice emanated from concealed speakers. "Tiger Floor."

Confusion clouded Angelina's thoughts. Why were the floors named after animals?

"Let's go," Fonda exited the lift before Angelina and Nixon. They walked through a corridor that resembled the interiors of spaceships depicted in action movies.

The melody of Keroncong music drifted from the left hallway, piquing Angelina's curiosity. However, not wanting to bump into Nixon, she followed Fonda down the right hallway, who had already moved some distance ahead.

Their path ended abruptly. Fonda halted in front of a white wall obstructing their way. The floor plan did seem peculiar; Angelina hadn't come across any doors or furniture since leaving the elevator. The only noticeable feature was a CCTV camera on the ceiling, its red lights flashing intermittently.

Confusion intensified. Why are we here?

However, before Angelina could voice her question, Fonda tapped a box-shaped device resembling a light switch on the right side of the wall. That action was causing one of the walls to lift.

Angelina's breath caught as the view beyond the wall met her eyes. Glass cages lined the left side, with animal care equipment neatly organized on the right. The room housed a metal bed, cabinets, tables, sinks, medicine-stocked trolleys, and even an X-ray machine.

Fonda spoke formally, breaking the silence, "This is your workspace. You're required to be here by eight in the morning. The fingerprint scanner used to open the door also tracks attendance. Lunchtime is from eleven to one. Mr. Nixon will show you the cafeteria and accompany you to your room at four in the afternoon."

Confusion furrowed Angelina's brow, but she remained intrigued. The room felt crisp with cool air, and she noticed a space large enough for two individuals between each glass cage. The room's floor and ceiling were white, consistent with the rest of the facility. "Doctor Fonda, why are there so many cages here? If it's solely for research purposes, this seems excessive. The place gives off a zoo-like vibe."

However, Angelina's inquiry remained unanswered as a cat leaped out from the vegetation inside glass cage number 01. Startled, Angelina let out a shriek, her eyes widening as the light reflected off the golden fur of the feline. "Is that a golden cat?"

Nixon chimed in, "Impressive knowledge, Doctor Angelina."

"But... they're almost extinct and protected animals," Angelina stammered, her gaze fixated on the golden cats. She felt her surprise mount as she noticed something else. "Are those kittens?"

"Result of genetic manipulation." Fonda's answer made Angelina turn to her.

"They're commonplace in this facility," Fonda added, resuming her walk. Nixon and Angelina trailed behind her.

A cascade of questions swirled in Angelina's mind. Something seemed amiss about the hospital.

As they continued, six cages filled with cubs caught Angelina's attention. These were separate from their mothers, except for two nursing infants.

"Fifteen golden kittens, two adult females, and one male," Fonda continued without looking back. Angelina's awe grew when she observed a Liger and a Tigon up close for the first time. The Tigon had a lion's head and tiger stripes on its body, while the Liger was the opposite, boasting a tiger's head and a lion-like body.

The trio arrived at a dead-end hallway, where Fonda activated the wall's mechanism with a faint smile. "Your primary responsibility isn't to care for these domesticated cats, but for him..."

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"Copyright @2023, Luna S.Winterheart


Taming The Tiger Man - An Urban Dark Fantasy Romance Genetic EngineeringWhere stories live. Discover now