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At eight A.M., Angelina was at Genma's secret zoo. She intended to go to cage number twelve to check on the occupants: two female Smilodon and one male. If the Smilodon had fought a hologram yesterday, she would have expected to find those animals still in the cage.

"Doctor Angelina, if you're searching for Smilodon carcasses, using a helicopter to travel to America would be necessary," Doctor Fonda's words caused Angelina to pause during her walk.

Angelina turned to her colleague. She found Fonda sitting at their table reading the file for Smilodon number 19 with a giant red CEASED text on it. "The Green Anaconda managed to crush her bones and devour her at 20:32 West Indonesia time."

"So, yesterday's battle was really between animals? Not a hologram? Y-You let people watch it?" asked Angelina with a pale face. Would Ramaik also end up like that someday?

"Doctor, holograms are only used during training." This time, it was Nixon who answered. "Come on, Doctor. It's about time you shaved that cat's beard."


Angelina clenched her trembling hands. She found herself hissing angrily."Doctor Fonda, you've forgotten the veterinarian's sworn. The act of putting animals to death just for the sake of entertainment is a violation of our professional code of ethics."

However, the woman Angelina had spoken to only glanced at her before she picked up a piece of paper and scribbled it with a pen.

"Doctor Angelina, I think you forgot. My duties, which will become yours, are to watch over the golden cat and Inyiak. If you wish to protest, you can directly reprimand Doctor Erick, who is in charge."

Fonda stopped writing before she made a mocking smile. "Perhaps he is interested in feeding live human flesh to King Cobra. Accidents happen everywhere, right?"

Angelina gasped when she heard the threat from her coworker, who was now chuckling to herself. Crazy woman!

Fonda stopped writing and thrust the paper in front of Angelina. "This is Inyiak's meal plan for the week. Post it near the closet. The cleaning service will pick it up and deliver it to the kitchen. If you want to fulfill your oath, I suggest shaving Inyiak's face before he gets a skin disease."

Angelina pulled the paper roughly. She walked to Ramaik's cage and called her bodyguard. "Come on, Mr. Nixon."


The artificial wall closed behind them when Angelina and Nixon were inside the room for Ramaik. She paused to read the paper she was holding.

Two meals a day, at seven and six in the evening. One meal of one and a half kilograms of meat? Angelina widened her eyes as she read the amount and variety of meat her patient ate.

Chicken, cow, kangaroo, horse, goat, deer. Only grilled without seasoning? Limited fruit without vegetables.

"Mr. Nixon, how do they feed Ramaik? I've never seen a single person come to this place," asked Angelina as she raised her head and turned to her bodyguard with a puzzled frown.

"They use a small elevator to deliver food and clothes." The big man pointed to the bars where Ramaik was with his thumb. "That animal has been trained to press the elevator button."

"Mr. Nixon, stop using the word animal!" snapped Angelina with a sour face. "The composition of this food is unfit for humans. He shouldn't be consuming this much meat."

"Doctor, I believe the cat's fondness for meat isn't my doing. You could swap it with vegetables. I've heard of a temple in Thailand that is said to transform wild animals into vegetarians." Nixon scratched his chin thoughtfully. "Perhaps you could consider something like that. Maybe papaya?"

Taming The Tiger Man - An Urban Dark Fantasy Romance Genetic EngineeringWhere stories live. Discover now