Chapter 13

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"TOBY!" He says my name louder than the others, which scares me. I try to act calm, by standing and walking straight towards him with a stern face.

"You're next" Eric says, opening the door for me. I step inside, and the door quickly shuts behind me, causing me to jump slightly. Six stands by a computer, casually untangling  some wires. "I-" I start, but she turns around and cuts me off. "Hello Toby, please take a seat." She says in a monotonous tone, as if she's been rehearsing it her whole life. I nod and sit in the chair in the center of the room. It's almost the same as the one during our aptitude tests, however this one didn't look as used. It seemed newer, and less scary. But that didn't mean I wasn't nervous.

Six walks over and puts a few wires on my head. "I'll be putting you in a simulation. Do your best to make it out. The faster you calm yourself, the better." I want to ask why I'd need to calm myself, but I decide against it. She gently lifts my chin with her hand, and sticks a syringe into my neck. I feel my body getting heavy, and everything goes black.

"Be brave, Toby"

I wake up on top of a building. Around me is Chicago, but I can't tell what part of the city I'm in, and I don't really care. I drop to my knees and shut my eyes. "No, no, no. How the hell did I get up here?" I yell, clawing at the floor. "I need to get down!" I slowly open my eyes and avoid looking anywhere but the building. There's a door on the other side. I crawl my way over and try to open it. Locked. "Damn! I'm going to die up here." I yell. Suddenly, an image of Six pops up in my head. What would she do? She's brave, right? And smart. She'd think of a strategic way down. I look around and see another building, slightly shorter. I stare at it, biting at my thumbnail nervously. I nod, making a final decision. Everything goes silent, the wind seems to stop, everything freezes around me, and I run. Run as fast as my frail body can go. Then, I jump. The building comes towards me, almost in slow motion. But I don't make it. I fall, faster and faster, hurdling toward the ground. For some odd reason, I don't even care. I close my eyes, spread my arms, and let myself fall. It feels like an eternity, air rushing past my body. I open my eyes, right in time to see the ground, however I fall right through it, into a dark room.

I wish I had some kind of light. Right as I think that, a flashlight appears out of no where. "What the hell?" I turn it on and look around. Just an all black room... that seems to be... closing in on me... I look around frantically, starting to lose my breath. There has to be a door somewhere, some kind of way out. I think of Six again. Thinking like her got me out of the last one. She'd try to break her way out. I punch the walls, over and over again, until my knuckles begin to bleed. The ceiling gets closer to my head, so I sit on the floor. I need to get out! I'll be crushed! I scream as loud as possible. Think like Six, think like Six. "I CAN'T! I can't do it!" I sob. What was the last piece of advice Six gave me? She said be brave... Why did she say that? I think and think, the walls getting closer by the second. Well it doesn't matter now, what did she say before that? Stay calm... alright I can do that. I try to catch my breath, closing my eyes and relaxing. The walls start to squeeze my body. I gasp, but catch breath again. I am calm, I am controlled. I expect the walls to crush my body any second, but they don't. There's a large crash. I open my eyes and see the walls break down.

Now I'm in another room, lighter colored walls and much larger. I look all around to see what crazy thing could happen next. A chair appears in the middle of the room. "Hello?" I look around again. When my eyes settle on the chair again, I see a girl sitting there. She looks young, beautiful, and ordinary. But most of all, she looks innocent. Yet she has ropes tieing her to the chair, and a cloth around her mouth. Our eyes meet, and I walk closer to her, looking around once more for anyone else. A man is behind me now, but I can't recognize him. "Grab the gun" he commands. I turn around and see a table in front of me, a gun sitting on it. The man looks serious, so I grab the gun. "Now kill her." He is beside me, staring at the young girl. "Why?" I ask. "Kill her." He repeats. "What did she do?" "Kill her or I kill you!" A gun is now to my head, and I feel myself raising my own gun, but I can't control it. I feel like a puppet, my arms moving, controlled by some invisible force. My finger rests on the trigger. "NO! I can't kill her!" I yell. I turn the safety off. "Yes you can, and you will" The man says. The trigger is pulled, and her head goes flying back. She goes flying back, the chair still attached to her. Blood splatters all over the table. "There. Now was that so hard?" The man sets his gun down and pats me on the back. I swing my arm at him, but suddenly the room changes, and I'm in a house. The place is familiar but I can't quite tell why.

Then it hits me. This is my house. From Abnegation. How did I get here? What am I doing here? I turn around and walk towards the door, but yet again it is locked. No escape. I turn toward the table and standing there is... "Marcus" I growl. "Tobias" He responds calmly, however he has no belt on his pants so I can assume it's in the hand he's hiding behind his back. Just as I suspected, he raises his hand, revealing the weapon that ruined my childhood. "Wh-what are you doing?" I ask, even though it's obvious he will hit me, just as he did when I was back in Abnegation. He steps towards me. I back into the door and begin breathing heavily. Don't hurt me, the last scars still haven't even healed. My eyes widen as I think that. The last time... was before the choosing ceremony, I chose Dauntless, so how did I get here? "This is for your own good" His words echo in my mind as he draws the belt back. I panic for a second, and decide on the best thing possible to do in this situation. I punch him. "I'm Dauntless now!" I scream at him. "And you know what else, Marcus?" I ask, spitting his name at him like it's venom. "You aren't real!" I kick him. "THIS ISN'T REAL!"

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