Chapter 12

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"Their flag" I whisper. She nods, and only then do I realize how close we are. Her hair brushes against my face slightly. "Now we go back down." She says. I look down. Everything is spinning and I suddenly feel nauseous. "Don't worry, we'll be fine" she assures. I start to climb down. Then, causing my heart to sink, I hear another snap.

I quickly look down, right as my body falls to the left, hitting the bar beside me. The one that was below me broke, so I now dangle. Six looks down. "Toby!". I see fear in her eyes as she stops climbing down. She stares, silent for a second, and I start to wonder if she's just going to leave me here and let me fall to my death. "The bar is much too low for you to get your foot on, and I don't think you have the strength to pull yourself back up" She thinks aloud, starting climb again. "What are you doing?" I ask, as she grabs the bars to my left and begins climbing overtop of me. "I know this looks stupid, but trust me, I have an idea." She gets to the platform and goes down the ladder. I close my eyes and try to steady my breath. My side aches from hitting the bar and my hands burn.

"I'm going to die here, I'm going to fall and die" I whisper to myself. I try reaching for the bar above me. "Almost there-" My hand touches the bar but slides off, so I'm now only hanging from my left hand. "Six!" I yell, wiping my right hand on my pants and grabbing onto the bar again. I can feel them slipping. "Where the hell did she go?" Suddenly there's a noise, and I start to move. I look around. The Ferris Wheel. It's moving. It starts to pick up speed. If it gets any faster, I'll fall off and die from impact. But if I don't jump soon, it will take me up to the top. I shake the thought away, and watch the ground getting closer. "Now or never" I mumble. I let go and fall onto my side, the same that hit the bar. The carts of the Ferris wheel fly right above my body, so I role to get out of the way. Six walks over, inspecting my body before saying "You ok?". I lie panting for moment. "Yes" I say. She kneels down, and grabs my shirt. I watch her confused. She lifts it slightly, revealing a large bruise and blood. "Eh, not too bad. After this we can go get some bandages." Six says casually, standing up and walking away. "Wait!" I call after her. What do you mean by we can get bandages? Six turns around. "Yeah?" She asks. I quickly stand up and run after her. "Thanks for, uh, you know-" "Hey, no big deal, alright? I would never let you just hang there." She interrupts. I'm not sure why I'm having trouble talking to her, but I just nod. "I didn't know the Ferris wheel worked" I say as we begin walking. "Me either" she responds. I look at her wide eyed for a moment, but feel relieved that it did work. The people from our team all run up to us. "What were you guys doing?!" "You totally gave use away!" "I knew the stiff would cause trouble" They all speak at the same time, and I suddenly feel like all the energy from us climbing is gone. "While you all were arguing, Toby here found the flag." Six glares at them all, then smiles at me, as if she were proud. "What? He did?" The guy from before with the snake tattoo asks. "Yes, Uriah, he did. And I'm sure he has a plan for us now, too." Six says, nodding. "Oh um..." I go silent as everyone's attention goes from Six to me. "Right, Toby?" She smirks. "Y-yes..." I look around at all of them, then towards where the flag was. " we need to have groups. A quarter of you will stay here to guard the flag, the rest will go find the other teams flag." I explain, and they all look interested now. "We'll have half those people go to the right and distract Eric's team, the other half will go to the left to find the flag. It's in a tree somewhere so we'll need some tall people." I feel so confident in myself. I finally fit in with the dauntless. "You heard him, move it guys!" Six yells. A few go sit with the flag, and the rest of us go towards the field and trees. I go left and try to find the flag. On the other side of the field, our team starts to attack theirs. I try to stay in the trees to hide myself.

"There it is!" I whisper, pointing to the tree right in front of me. Someone reaches up and grabs the flag before I can. Everyone cheers and grabs their arm, raising it higher. I smile and cheer a little myself, but back away from the crowd. A hand falls softly on my shoulder. "Good job, Toby."

A/N Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, lots of school and tests. Plus I broke my nose. Yay! *sarcasm*. Anyways, I tried my best to make a great chapter for you guys, and I'll do my best to post more. I have all my tests and such for school over soon so then I can post more often. As I've said many times before, if you'd ever like to talk to me or ask me questions, feel free to comment or message me. Thank you all so much! Love you! ~M

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