Chapter 6

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I decide to go and see where Will, Al, and Peter are. I first go to the cafeteria. Nothing. Then I try the training room. No one but. Six. Great.

"Hey Toby, where are you doing in here?" She asks, more casual than mad. "Just looking for someone." I say. "Who? Maybe I could help." She says. "Umm, Will, Al, and Peter." I respond. "Peter" she mumbles her expression suddenly stern. "Ya, I saw Will and Al near the chasm talking about girls or something, then I saw Peter walk by. Ill come with you to make sure he isn't causing any trouble." Six explains.

We walk through the halls in silence. "So are you liking Dauntless? I mean the people and all, you obviously don't like the brutality." Six says breaking the silence. "Umm, ya. I've made a few friends I guess, but I haven't really talked to any dauntless born." I say. "Oh, because a dauntless born named Uriah, he's your age, and his brother Zeke, who's 18. They are the funniest people in Dauntless. I could see you guys being friends." She says then pauses. "Sorry that was probably creepy. I just meant you guys kinda have stuff in common" She says. "I'll shutup now". I laugh. "It's fine I know what you meant." I say. "Ya." Six says.

Six scratchs the back of her neck. "So what do you-" she is interupted by us walking to the chasm. Will and Al are there, Al hanging over the railing. Will is in front of Al half trying to pull him up, half protecting him from Peter, who is standing in front of them with a knife. "STOP!" Six yells. Peter jerks his head towards us. When his eyes meet mine he scowls. He drops the knife and runs. Six runs after him. I walk over and help Al and Will. Neither have cuts. "What happened?" I ask picking up Peter's knife, which is really a butterknife.

"Well Peter said we were getting too good. He said we were getting to strong, and he wanted to make sure he stayed at the top. Also" Will starts. "He wants you".

"What? Why me?" I ask. "Because you're getting better! You're passing us all and sooner or later you're gonna be first and Peter is NOT gonna like that!" Al says.

"Whatever" I say. Six walks in and takes the knife. She laughs. "He tried to use a BUTTERKNIFE on you? That's hil-" She stops when she sees our serious faces. "Sorry" She mumbles. "What did you do to him?" I ask. "Well I can't really punish him" She says. "Stupid Dauntless." She whispers. "So I just caught up to him, tackled him to the ground, and threatened him." She says with a huge smile, as if she's proud of scaring Peter. Well she probably is. "I better get going. And if he does something again, don't tell Eric, tell me. I'll actually handle it." Six says walking away. "Thanks!" Will yells. 

Today I have to fight today.


I walk to the training room and scoot past the crowd so I can see the board. Immediatley I wish I didn't.  The board says "Toby" and next to it "Peter". And we fight first. I walk to the circle. "Your going down stiff" Peter yells. Eric smirks. We circle around and I try to remember what Six said. "Attack first". I run up and elbow him in the throat. I then punch his jaw. He quickly recovers and punchs me in the face. My nose begins to bleed but I ignore it. He steps to punch again but I swipe his feet from under him. He falls and I begin to kick his side but grabs my foot pulling me down. He quickly gets up and begins kicking my side. I can't give up now. I lift my leg and kick his stomach. I get up and punch him as hard as I can in the jaw. He falls and I remember what Will said that he told them. I begin kicking him. 

Two gently hands grab my ams and pull me back. "You won." Six says. She grabs my arm and pulls me to the hallway. "What?" I ask. She hands me a tissue and I realize my nose is still bleeding down my face and on my shirt. I take it and wipe my face, then hold it on my face. I begin to feel dizzy so I hold onto the wall. "Are you ok?" Six asks. "I'm fine." I lie. I begin feeling dizzy again so I slide down the wall and hold my head in my hands. "I can take you to a doctor. You did just get beat up." She says. I start to reject but then my vision goes blurry and I decide to let  her take me. She holds out her hand, or hands. I can't tell there's two of everything. I try to grab it but end up grabbing thin air. She grabs my hand and pulls me up. I start to fall, but Six catches me and puts my arm around her. I limp to the infermory. They tell me to the lie down in the room. Six helps me on the bed.

Then I black out.

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