Chapter 3: Partners No More

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As usual, Ladybug and the team have defeated about five akumas the past week. Cat Noir never showed up. The cat-themed hero was beginning to feel left because Ladybug seems to be "forgetting" her Kitty. And then there's the fact that she lied to him that he's "irreplaceable."

For months, His Lady's been nothing but irresponsible with her duty as Guardian. She's even forgotten about their partnership.

He could see Ladybug, Rena Rouge, Carapace, and a few others already defeating another akuma. He was simply behind a chimney, his anger active. He smashed a fist into the chimney with his baton to let out his anger for a moment and began to jump from roof to roof., heading home.

If she wants me left out then so be it. He thought as he ran. He jumped through the open window and de-transformed. A green flash appeared as Adrien handed Plagg a piece of Camambert.

"'I'm really beginning to think Ladybug doesn't need me anymore." said Adrien bitterly.

"She's the Guardian, kid." said Plagg.

"That's no excuse."

Adrien slumped onto his bed. He then stared up at the ceiling.

"She's irresponsible and careless." he said.

"Come on, Adrien," said Plagg, "she's trying to keep up!"

"She's not the same anymore."

"Define 'same'."

Adrien then explains the differences. Ladybug's suddenly become distant with him now. Sure, he'd leap into action without a plan, but she's not doing any better.

The Model then got up. He went to the bathroom to take a shower and cool off the heat.

"Poor Adrien..." said Plagg.

The little Kwami of Destruction then sat down outside. What was he going to do with his Chosen?


And so, another week had passed by. And Ladybug was still summoning the team without Cat Noir. It was now as if Cat Noir never existed. Even the news was beginning to think that the feline was either "chasing mice" or just nocturnal.

"Why even bother?" asked Cat Noir, "They don't need me."

He scratched the metal plate on a rooftop in frustration.

He then spotted movement camouflaged in the blue sky in the distance. He then noticed it was none other than Rena Rouge.

"Rena Rouge?" asked Cat Noir.

He then began to follow her silently without being detected. He stayed quiet as he continued to hide and saw Ladybug coming her way to meet Rena Rouge.

"Any news of Hawk Moth?" asked Ladybug.

"No, nothing." replied Rena Rouge, "That monster hasn't shown his face in two months. And where's Cat Noir?"

"That Kitty's fine. He just needs a break, that's all."

Hearing, this Cat Noir finally got fed up with His Lady's lies and felt ready to just appear.

"Aren't you ignoring him long enough?" asked Rena Rouge.

"I can't tell him why." said Ladybug, "As Guardian, I cannot reveal secrets to him."

"And what secret would that be?" said a voice.

Cat Noir finally showed himself. He scowled, his anger clearly showing.

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