Chapter 9: Final Showdown

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Ladybug, Rena Rouge, Carapace, and Queen Bee all stood at the area by the Eiffel Tower.  This was it.  They waited until they finally saw Hawk Moth standing on one of the levels of the tower.  And soon, a white figure walked ot them.

"Cat Noir..." Ladybug began, "...I know you're in there..."

"It's Cat Blanc, My Lady, don't forget it." growled Cat Blanc, "Now...hand over your Miraculous, before you get hurt." 

"Not gonna happen." said Rena Rouge.

"Very well then...come and take mine if you can."

Cat Blanc then took out his staff.  And the fight was on.  Ladybug was the first to charge into the attack.  The akuma jumped over her, as she expected, because Queen Bee jumped as well and kicked Cat Blanc in the back, knocking him down.  Carapace and Rena Rouge held him down.  Queen Bee got ready to stun him with her spinning top.

However, Cat Blanc almost immediatley broke free and gripped Queen Bee by the wrist and began to twist it.  Queen Bee began to scream in pain.  Carapace immediately got back up and threw his shell-like shield at the akuma.  The sudden impact forced him to let go.  He then turned back to the turtle-themed hero.

"Don't make me have to hurt you, dude." he panted.

"I think you will." said Cat Blanc.

He then broke his staff into two smaller batons.  He slammed them against Carapace's shield wildly.  He could feel his arms already beginning to get tired from all the hitting.  Ladybug jumped onto her former partner and began to pull him away from her teamate.

"Kitty, stop!" she begged.

"I said not to call me that!" Cat Blanc screamed.

He then gripped her by hair and yanked painfully on her blue hair.  The akuma then threw his former partner towards the water.  

"Hey, white cat!" he heard behind him.

He turned to see Queen Bee just about to jab him.  He once again grabbed her and this time threw her towards Rena Rouge.  She jumped out of way and made a few illusions of herself.  All Cat Blanc could do was simply scoff.

"Coward." he said.

He charged at the illusions.  He then jumped high into the air and unleashed a ball of white energy.  All the illusions touched by it immediately disappeared.  Rena Rouge was knocked down sometime later.

"Come here, you!" Cat Blanc growled.

The akuma then gripped Rena Rouge by the collar and pulled her up.  He then immediatley punched her in the face.

"Hey, leave her alone!" shouted Carapace.

He leaped, attempted to slam Cat Blanc with his chield, only to stopped by his clawed hand.  He then slam him back down.

"Pathedic." said Cat Blanc, "You can all take down a bunch of akumas but not me?"

He then slammed Carapace down.  He threw the turtle-themed hero to Rena Rouge, bumping into her as she tried to get up.  The two gasped for breath as the akuma walked closer to them.  He then gripped onto them.  White lightning began to show up and attack the two.  

Rena Rouge and Carapace screamed in pain as the white lightning entered their bodies.  Cat Blanc then suddenly felt Ladybug's yo-yo wrapped around his neck.  He gasped as he let go of them.

Queen Bee ran up to him, ready to jab him with the spinning top once again.  Cat Blanc had enough of it and kicked her hand, forcing her to sting herself.

"Cataclysm!" he called out.

"No!" Ladybug shouted.

She grabbed onto Cat Blanc's wrist and pulled his hand away from Queen Bee's face.  The beam scraped against the floor, eventually hitting a the rooftops of a bunch of buildings, and all the way to cutting off the very top of the Eiffel Tower.

Cat Blanc's beam finally disappeared, giving him the chance to grab his former partner and throw her to the side as he smacked Queen Bee in the forehead with his staff, knocking her out cold.

Now, it was just him, and His Lady.

Ladybug stood wearily as she stared at Cat Blanc, who barely looked tired out at all.  This was it.  It was now, or never, she has to fix this, bring back the silly cat she once knew.  They charged at each other.

Ladybug used her yo-yo's string to block Cat Blanc's staff.  They were soon locked together for a moment.

"You can't purify everyone..." said Cat Blanc, " can't even protect those you care the most..."

"I know..." said Ladybug, "'s because I'm too'm going to try again.  This time...harder."

She then tied her yo-yo to the baton and threw it aside, Cat Blanc only with his bare hands.  Or that was until the akuma took out his claws.  But Ladybug still had her yo-yo so it'd hopefully gave Ladybug a chance.

The two began to fight once again.  Ladybug eventually jumped onto Cat Blanc's shoulders, beginning to hit him, but it didn't last long, for the akuma tossed her off.

"Insect..." he growled.

He then swung his claws at Ladybug's face, she luckily dodged fast enough for it to only cut her cheek.  That was when Cat Blanc began to get more wild.  He then swung his claws at her right arm, cutting it by her shoulder, and three huge cuts found themselves on her left arm.

Cat Blanc then gripped her by her left leg, twirling around.  Her right leg scraped against the floor, the suit beginning to tear apart.  The akuma then threw her away, only for Ladybug to use her yo-yo and come swinging right back, using the momentum to land in an extra hard punch at his chest.  

Cat Blanc finally lost his footing and fell Ladybug got up as quickly as she could and pinned him down with her body.  

"Time to de-evilize the cat!" she said as she reached his bell.

The akuma however gripped her wrist before it could touch her.  He got back up.  He used his tail to wrap it around Ladybug's neck, choking her, gripping her wrists with his hands.

"P-Please...Kitty..." Ladybug choked, "...i-it's me...Your Lady...your p-partner..."

"" Cat Blanc growled.

He then landed summoed a huge ball of energy, and everything turned black.


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