Chapter 7: Hunted

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Everyone met on top of the Eiffel Tower. It was time to go on patrol, or really, hunt down Cat Blanc. No one felt confident about this. After seeing Ladybug go up against him today, it was scary.

"Okay, team," said Ladybug, "whoever finds Cat Blanc, contact me then the others."


Purple Tigress and Polymouse went to the bridge. They searched the entire area, no sign of their "little friend". However, all of a sudden, they heard running footsteps behind them.

"Hello!" he shouted.

He immediately grabbed Polymouse until Purple Tigress knocked him down.

"Multitude!" shouted Polymouse.

Then there were multiple Ploymouses. They surrounded Cat Blanc. He didn't even look nervous. Instead, he looked...excited?

"Is that it?" asked Cat Blanc.

He then took out his baton, turning it into its sword-like form. The fight was on. Purple Tigress tried to grab Cat Blanc so she could find the akumatized object, but Cat blanc proved to be too fast. He whacked her in the forehead with his baton.

"Purple Tigress!" shouted Polymouse.

"It's just you and me now." Cat Blanc snickered.

"You mean us!" said Polymouse, "Everyone, I've got-"

Cat Blanc interrupted her by kicking her down. The clones then began to pin him down, but to no avail. His hand began to glow white. He slammed his fist into the ground. The entire bridge began to collapse.

Polymouse was about to fall until Cat Blanc gripped her neck.

"" he demanded.

"I'll never talk!" shouted Polymouse.

Cat Blanc then extended his arm off the edge to where she'd fall into blue depths of the water if he let go.

"Still no!" said Polymouse.

"Very well." growled Cat Blanc.

He then swung his fist at Polymouse, and everything went black for her.


Ladybug, Viperion, and Bunnyx looked at the city. Bunnyx came to aid Ladybug to help Cat Blanc come back to being Cat Noir before the future would end like the other timeline.

However, her mere presence was not making anyone feel any better.  Because if she's here, than Cat Blanc's more dangerous than they thought.

They've been getting calls from their teammates from all over the city. Each time, they'd arrive too late, that was until Bunnyx came along. Just about the entire team is down by now. Now it's just down to Ladybug, Rena Rouge, Carapace, Viperion, Queen Bee, and Bunnyx.

The others are injured but thankfully not dead. Everyone guessed that he's saving the "killing" part for Ladybug, but that part wasn't said out loud, for they didn't want to worry the Guardian, but unfortunately, she already knew.

Thankfully they were able to keep the other Miraculouses from Cat Blanc, but it didn't seem like he was interested in those ones, just the usual Hawk Moth version, the Ladybug and Cat Miraculouses.

"We need a plan." said Ladybug, "A better one."

"Yeah, clearly we all need to stick together." said Bunnyx, "It'll take longer but we need more help. So far two on one isn't working."


The two then heard about an akuma by the Agreste's Mansion. They immediately took off. They landed in the front yard.

"Keep your guard up." Ladybug advised.

"Yes," Viperion agreed, "the akuma could be anywhere."

Suddenly, the ground burst open. Cat Blanc came out, white and blue lightning all over his body. It then began to fade away.

"You have no idea." he growled.

The remaining team members got into formation. Rena Rouge and Carapace stood by Ladybug, protecting her, while Viperion and Bunnyx ran straight for the akuma. Before she could even touch him, Cat Blanc took out his baton, and extended it, and Bunnyz was shoved right through a wall.

"This akuma hunt ends now!" he shouted.

He felt Viperion grab him, only for the white-suited akuma kicked him away. Cat Blanc then punched him again, sending Viperion flying. He then jumped, his hands glowing bright again.

"Leave me alone!" he demanded.

He then landed in front of the three, slamming his palm into the ground. A huge wave of electricity brushed by them.

"Shellter!" Carapace called out.

The white lightning engulfed the entire green shield. Carapace struggled to keep concentrating in order to prevent it from shattering.

Cat Blanc groaned in frustration. He then flicked his fingers, summoning a few cataclysm spheres. The white balls of energy finally breached straight through. Carapace collapsed, exhausted. Rena Rouge helped him back up.

Before Cat Blanc could attack, Queen Bee leaped into action, she pressed her spinning top into Cat Blanc's back. He froze.

"N-No!" he grunted.

"It's over, Cat Blanc." said Ladybug, walking towards him.


More lightning pulsed off his body. He then spread out his arms and legs, as if he's been holding onto something with his entire body and just decided to let go. Everyone fell onto their backs. Viperion looked to Ladybug, who nodded in approval.

"Second cha-" he shouted.

Cat Blanc then kicked him in the face. A bit of blood spat out from his mouth. The white-suited akuma then slammed his fist onto Viperion's face, knocking him out cold. Bunnyx jumped onto him, about to use her umbrella, only for Cat Blanc to grab her and slam her down.  She looked in horror of those familiar eyes.

"You should never have come!" he shouted.

He then threw his fist at Bunnyx, most certainly breaking her nose.  And so now, she herself was knocked out.  Ladybug then heard her earrings beeping. This was the worst timing that they ever had.

"We gotta get out of here!" she shouted.

Everyone picked up Viperion and Bunnyx and left the area. Cat Blanc didn't bother to follow them. He smiled sinisterly, he'll get them soon, very soon.


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